We need men! Isn’t that the way it always goes?
Unless you’re doing Nunsense or Steel Magnolias
…but we’re not…we’re doing Seven Brides for
Seven Brothers. So we need 7 brothers and 6 suitors.
That’s 13 men, if my math is right. We also need
additional men for the fathers, a preacher & Mr.
Bixby. So if you’re a man and you’re looking for
a musical…look no further! This is your big
chance!!! And ladies…we can’t do the show
without at least seven of you! It is a large cast
musical…we will be casting townspeople – men,
women, teens & (very few) children. For auditions,
please bring sheet music and plan to sing 16 bars
of a song from the musical or a song in a similar
style. Please, no a cappella auditions. For dance
auditions, please wear appropriate shoes (no flip
flops, please). You will also be asked to read from
the script. Auditions are stressful for everyone…
including the director…please relax and enjoy the
experience as much as possible! Let go and just have
fun. If you are interested in participating back
stage (costumes, hair, make-up, props, lights, sound,
spotlight), we’d love to talk to you…come to
auditions and let us know your area of interest.
Putnam County Playhouse is a wonderful place to
participate in live theater…a great place for
families and a great place to make friends. We hope
you’ll come out and be a part of the opening show for
the 2015 season at Putnam County Playhouse.
It’s going to be an amazing season!
Twenty years ago, I played one of the brides in Seven
Brides for Seven Brothers…and now I have the joy of
directing this wonderful musical. It is my sincere hope
that my cast will have every bit as much fun as I did
20 years ago…it’s a great show with lots of good roles!

Shelly McFadden
Shelly McFadden has been active with Putnam
County Playhouse since 1991 when she appeared
as Florence in the female version of The Odd
Couple. Since then, Shelly has appeared in
many shows including Clue: The Musical, Man of
La Mancha, I’ll Be Back Before Midnight,
Arsenic & Old Lace, and The Sunshine Boys.
She has also directed many productions
including The Drowsy Chaperone, The Music Man
(which opened our 50th season), and Mark of Cain.
Shelly is a long time member of the Board of
Directors and currently serves as the chairperson
of the Costume Committee, among other duties.