My favorite type of show to be in is – a comedy with heart. So it should come as no surprise to anyone that my favorite type of show to direct is – a comedy with heart. Our season closer Morning’s At Seven by Paul Osborn [a Hoosier playwright] is just such a play.
When I first read the play a few years ago, I enjoyed it and thought the characters were very funny. Their relationships to each other were realistic and the situation was interesting.
I can only think that this is also the type of play that our audiences will enjoy. Whoever you are, whatever stage of life you are in, you will recognize someone you know in Morning’s At Seven. You may even see yourself!
Most of the characters have a stage age of 50-70, so I will be looking for performers who can realistically play those ages. There are also a couple of YOUNG folks in their late 30’s or early 40’s. I hope to have many choices at auditions.
Because the four main characters are sisters, I will probably want to have a family resemblance among those actresses. But talent will out! Please come to auditions to have fun. I will be looking for folks who bring themselves to the roles, have a basic understanding of stage craft, and enjoy the process as much as I do!
The play was described in a review of its most recent revival as a “rueful” comedy. I think that is accurate and fair. But I think that’s also a description of life….at least as it looks to me now…..
I hope to see you at auditions or in the audience as we end our 62nd season. Curtain time is at 8 p.m. but Morning’s At Seven!
Jack Randall Earles