Thoughts on Characters
The Mousetrap is a wonderful mystery
written by that queen of suspense Agatha
Christie. Imagine you have spent most of
your life savings building up an old manor
into a Bed and Breakfast out in the country
of jolly old England and that guests are
about to arrive in a blizzard. Then when
you least suspect it, someone is murdered,
and the list of suspects keep growing until
you and your loved one are second guessing
each other and wondering if you’re not the
killer. That’s what happens to Molly and
Giles when their first day as proprietors of
Monkswell Manor goes horribly wrong as
guest after guest arrives. Who is the killer
and how could it have been done unfolds in
this classic tale by the creator of Hercule
Directors expectations:
I am looking for 5 men and 3 women to
audition for the parts of:
Molly Ralston: I am looking for a young
woman who looks to be in her 20’s to play a
young woman with a heart of gold whose
dream to run a B&B with her husband goes
wrong, however she herself has a secret.
Giles Ralston: I am looking for a young
man who looks to be in his 20’s to play a
young man dedicated to his wife yet has a
secret he can’t tell her.
Christopher Wren: I am looking for a
young man looking to be in his late 20’s
early 30’s to play a man who’s neurotic,
eccentric and who’s lineage keeps coming
up to haunt him.
Mrs Boyle: I am looking for a 40-60
something woman to play the part of a
stuffy and opinionated grand dame who
could hold a key to the mystery.
Major Metcalf: I am looking for a 50-60
something man to play the part of the old
vet who’s good natured demeanor belies his
true persona.
Miss Casewell: I am looking for a woman
who looks to be in her 20’s – 30’s to play a
young woman with a masculinity about her
who may know more about the mystery than
she tells.
Mr. Paravicini: I am looking for a man
40-60 years old to play the part of the
mysterious foreign stranger who shows up
out of nowhere.
Detective Sergeant Trotter: I am looking
for a man in his 20-30’s to play the
detective who comes to help in solving a
Note: There unfortunately are no parts
for children, or pets. The descriptors of
age are fluid and just because someone
is above or below the ages I’m looking
for doesn’t mean they may not be up for
a particular role. This particular
production will be set in 1952. I am also
looking for anyone who would like to
work backstage and as sound and light
board crew.
The Mousetrap was the first Mystery Play I saw
that flummoxed me at the end with the reveal of
the killer, and yet its message is so profound
and heartfelt that it could have recourse in
today’s society. When Agatha Christie wrote The
Mousetrap she had a person at the top of the
show ask the audience NOT to give away the ending.
You see that’s what makes a good mystery, we are
shown one thing only to have our expectation thrown
to the curb and surprise us with none other than the
truth. As Sherlock Holmes was one to say, “When you
have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains,
however improbable is the truth.” I would think
Sherlock and Agatha would get along swimmingly today.
Fortunately, with the advent of the internet we have a
large cache of information at our beck and call with
the push of a button, unfortunately anyone can look up
the ending to any mystery play. So, I would ask you,
the audience: “Please, as you depart from seeing this
show, keep the mystery in your heart. Let those who
have not seen it, enjoy it for the first time, as I did.”
The Mousetrap is also one of the longest running shows in
England, with over 27,000 performances in 66 years.
This goes to show how good a play it really is.