Directing Cheaper by the Dozen a founded- on -fact comedy is a
“once in a lifetime” opportunity that I am happy to have.
The humor is genuine and delightful, and the story has meaning and importance.
The cast includes Mom and Dad and children ranging in age from 17 and down.
Ernestine, Frank, Jackie, Dan, Bill, Fred, Anne, Lillian, Martha and
2 younger siblings who can be male or female.
Check the Cast/Crew page for information on individual roles.
We will cast by audition and height not by age.
This is my first NON MUSICAL show to direct. I am looking forward to directing
this comedy that SO reminds me of my cousin Jack’s family when I was growing up.
I spent many summers with them and they were some of the best! Aunt Alice makes
a mean bologna and mustard sandwich!
You do not want to miss Cheaper by the Dozen!