The Miracle Worker Cast & Crew


This captivating drama, tells the story of six year old Helen Keller, left blind, deaf and mute by an illness in infancy. Helen’s world is silent, dark and isolating, as she has little communication with those who love her. Desperate to reach their child, Helen’s parents enlist the aid of Annie Sullivan. Through many struggles, both with Helen and her family, Annie is finally able to break through Helen’s barriers.

The Cast:

The Miracle Worker Cast (In Order of their Appearance):

A Doctor……………..John Tischer

Kate Keller………….Caroline Good

Captain Keller…….Tim Good

Helen Keller……….Josie Tischer

Martha……………….Samantha Funk

Percy………………….Elijah Helmer

Aunt Ev………………Eleanor Howard

James Keller……….John Reach

Anagnos……………..Jay Prewitt

Annie Sullivan……..Anna Harris

Viney……………………Sarah Ryan

Blind Girls……………..Chloey Barnett, Anna Norris, Ingrid Norris, Ellen Blackledge,Nicolette Blackledge,  

                                    Catherine Ryan-Shager

Jimmy Sullivan……..Alex Gurnon

Doctor………………….Dustin Bond

Crones………………….Suzanne Funk, Kathi Jenkins Elliot

Servant Girls………….Anna Norris, Chloey Barnett