Penelope Toop – Caroline Good
Lionel Toop – Jack Randall Earles
Ida – Peggy McClaine
Ms. Skillon – Eleanor Howard
Bishop of Lax – Bill Wieland
Clive Winton – Brad Sandy
The Intruder – T.J. Tincher
Vicar Humphrey – Jim Green
Sergeant Tower – Lita Sandy

Galloping in and out of the four doors of an English vicarage are an American actor and actress (he is now stationed with the air force in England), a cockney maid who has seen too many American movies, an old maid who “touches alcohol for the first time in her life,” four men in clergyman suits presenting the problem of which is which, for disguised as one is an escaped prisoner, and a sedate Bishop aghast at all these goings on and the trumped up stories they tell him.Extremely fast, high energy script.