Director’s Note
It is my pleasure to direct this
fun-filled musical for the second
time. I directed it the first time at
Cascade High School.
The characters are the same as
you might remember: Gomez,
Morticia, Wednesday, Pugsley,
Lurch, Uncle Fester, and Granny.
This time around, the
unsuspecting Beinecke family has
been added including parents Mal
& Alice and son, Lucas.
The show is very reminiscent of
the original television series you
may have seen – it is still running
on a couple of the nostalgia cable
The plot revolves around
Wednesday who has fallen in love
with Lucas, a “normal” boy. A
dinner at the Addams House is
planned where the families will
meet for the first time.
Wednesday confides in her father
Gomez, that in fact, she and
Lucas are already engaged.
Gomez must hide the information
from his wife Morticia.
The dinner ensues with much
hilarity and fun for the audience.
Auditions will include singing (16
to 24 measures please), reading
from the script, and dancing.
Prospective cast members should
attend either audition date but
not both.
Callbacks may be necessary.
Wednesday Addams..(teen/young
who must be able to belt.
Gomez Addams..(40-50) baritone.
Must be able to harmonize.
Morticia Addams..(40-50)
Must be able to harmonize.
Alice Beinecke…(40-50)soprano
who must be able to belt in
upper range. Must be
able to harmonize.
Fester Addams..(30-50)
tenor/baritone and
must be able to imitate
original Fester voice.
Pugsley Addams.(8-13)
tenor/boys’ unchanged voice.
Mal Beinecke.. .(40-50)
Must be able to harmonize.
Lucas Beinecke..(teen/young
adult) tenor/baritone.
Must be able to harmonize.
Grandma Addams..(script age is
over 100) mezzo-soprano/
Lurch… (30-60) bass. Tall.
Ancestors… (various ages)
Soprano, alto, tenor, bass.
Must harmonize and dance.
The ancestors appear in most
scenes throughout the show.

Ric McFadden
Ric has worked at PCPH since 1991 when he
appeared as one of the upstairs neighbors in
The Odd Couple (female version), last
season he played the “other brother” in the
revival. Ric has appeared in leading roles in
The Music Man, The Man of La Mancha, Into the
Woods, Camelot (twice), and The 1940’s Radio
Hour. He is a three-time winner of the Upstage
Award. Ric also has appeared at Myers Dinner
Theatre in Titanic. Ric’s other directing
assignments at PCPH include The Man Who
Came to Dinner and Singin’ In The Rain.
He is a long time member of the Board of
Directors at PCPH