I am very excited to be directing my third show at the Putnam County Playhouse. In addition to directing shows here, I also work on tech and appear on stage. Off season,I can be found directing shows for North Putnam High School and assisting with tech at Greencastle High School. This show is the second show of the season. It is a premiere for the Playhouse. It is a relatively new show [still playing in New York and London]. The Play That Goes Wrong is a very funny and technical show. These are the elements that drew me to want to direct it. The circumstances found in this play are the definition of a nightmare for any actor, director, or stage crew. Anything that could go wrong in a show – goes wrong here – in the most hilarious way possible. I am super excited to begin work on it and try and make all these incidents happen exactly when they need to happen. I am also very fortunate to have the lovely and very talented Vickie Parker as my assistant director. She has probably forgotten more about directing and comedy than most of us will ever know, but am always happy to learn and collaborate with her. I am excited to see what cast we get. At auditions, I will be looking for the best performers. I know there is an abundance of talent from which to choose, so come prepared to do your best. This show is very physical and relies on expert comedic timing, so the casting of this show will be very tough. Everyone who auditions will need to be physically able to do the comedy as well as be expressively funny. I have no doubt this show will be an audience favorite this season! Dustin Bond