The opening numbers are “The Years Are Passing By” and “Jolly, Rich, and Fat”. In later productions the two numbers are combined as “Jolly Good Time.” Scrooge first encounters the three ghosts of Christmas in their real-world guises as a lamplighter (Past), a charity show barker (Present), and a blind beggar woman (Future) (“Nothing to Do With Me”). Scrooge’s long-suffering employee Bob Cratchit, and Bob’s son Tiny Tim, purchase a Christmas chicken (“You Mean More to Me”).
The visit of the ghost of Jacob Marley (“Link By Link”), features a half-dozen singing, dancing spirits presented with various levels of makeup and special effects. One of these ghosts in this version is known to be an old colleague of Scrooge and Marley’s, Mr. Haynes, who was said to be “mean to the bone”, resulting in his charred skeleton. Other puns include a spirit with a safe embedded in his chest, who “never had a heart”.
The Ghost of Christmas Past reinforces the character’s signature theme of illuminating Scrooge’s worldview (“The Lights of Long Ago”). One notable departure from Dickens’ novella in this portion of the film is its depiction of Ebenezer Scrooge’s father, identified as John William Scrooge, being sentenced to debtors’ prison while his horrified family looks on; this scene was inspired by an actual occurrence from Dickens’ own childhood.
The Ghost of Christmas Present (“Abundance and Charity” and “Christmas Together”), makes his point that Christmas is a time for celebration, generosity, and fellowship. The former takes place at a fantastical version of the charity show he was seen promoting on Christmas Eve, and the latter whisks Scrooge on a tour of London that includes the homes of his nephew Fred, his clerk Bob Cratchit, and Mr. Smythe, a recently widowed client of Scrooge’s lending house.
The entire Christmas Future (“Dancing On Your Grave”, “You Mean More to Me (Reprise)”, and “Yesterday, Tomorrow, and Today”), culminates in Scrooge’s awakening in his bedroom on Christmas morning.
“What a Day, What a Sky” bookends “Nothing to Do With Me”, dramatizing Scrooge’s new outlook as he races through the streets of London making amends. The show concludes with a reprise of “Christmas Together” featuring the entire cast.
Character Descriptions
Ebenezer Scrooge – Must be able to move. Vocal range A-flat 2-F4. A man who lost his father to creditors as a kid and has grown up heeding his father’s advice to save his money. Until he realizes how terrible he’s become, he is a grumpy, unsympathetic man and has no time for anyone or anything. Through his journey with the three ghosts, he transforms from miserly to merry.
Ghost of Christmas Past/Lamplighter – Must be able to move gracefully. Vocal range E-flat 4-G-sharp 5. An ever cheerful, sprightly ghost who comes back with the history book of Scrooge’s past to show him the events that led to his current state. Cheerfulness and kindness are this character’s dominant traits, and maybe a little zany.
Ghost of Christmas Present/Sandwichboard Man – Vocal range D-flat 3-F4. Preferably be able to tap dance or fake it well. Must be able to move. A jovial, larger-than-life ghost who comes back to show Scrooge all the joy, love, and celebration he is missing out on while those around him celebrate Christmas. Very vaudeville.
Ghost of Christmas Future/Blind Old Hag – Vocal range C4-F5. Needs to be able to belt and have a strong mix. Huge dance role – must be able to move in a contemporary style. Strong and mostly silent as she shows Scrooge what will happen to him and those around him if he continues down the path he is currently treading. Creepy and eerie, yet captivating every time they are on stage.
Bob Cratchit – Vocal range G-sharp 2-E4. A father and husband who cares deeply for his family, particularly his youngest son, Tiny Tim. Kind and patient, he endures Scrooge’s temper and abuse to provide for his family, especially his son, Tiny Tim.
Mrs. Cratchit – Vocal range G-sharp 3-E5. Tiny Tim’s mother and Bob Cratchit’s wife. She is a loving mother who tries to provide the best for her children with what she’s got. Loving, hopeful, and generous.
Jacob Marley – Vocal range B2-A-flat 4. Scrooge’s former business partner who, before his death, was exactly like Scrooge. Comes back as a ghost in chains to warn Scrooge of how his life decisions will bind him in the afterlife. Must have good comedic timing with ridiculous one-liners.
Tiny Tim – Vocal range B-flat 3-D5. Mr. and Mrs. Cratchit’s youngest son. He is crippled and sick but is the definition of loving Christmas spirit. He constantly reminds his family that as long as they all have each other, they will be happy. Represents the Christmas spirit with hope and goodness.
Scrooge at 18 – Vocal range B2-G4. Scrooge with the happiness of his youth and deeply in love with Emily. Sincere and warm until grasped by greed.
Emily – Vocal range B3-B-flat 5. Scrooge’s fiancé from when they were young. She is a beautiful girl, not impressed by or in need of money. Enjoys the simple things in life. Joyful and kind-hearted. In love with Scrooge at 18.
Mr. Fezziwig – Vocal range B2-B4. Must be able to move. A jolly and kind man who used to throw a huge Christmas party every year for the community. He was Scrooge’s first boss and after teaching him all he knew, he became deeply disappointed in the man Scrooge became.
Mrs. Fezziwig – Vocal range A3-A-flat 5. Must be able to move. The consummate hostess and Mr. Fezziwig’s wife, she loved to help throw the Christmas party every year. Fun and sassy.
Fred Anderson – Vocal range B2-G4. Scrooge’s nephew and only living relative. He is a pleasant young man who believes in the good a joyful Christmas spirit can make in the world. Compassionate and joyful.
Sally Anderson – Vocal range C4-E-flat 5. Wife of Fred. Warm and loving.
Jonathan – Vocal range E-flat 4-E-flat 5. Fun street urchin. Comedic.
Mr. Smythe – Vocal range D-flat 3-F-sharp 4. Recently widowed. Hopeful. Poor and in debt to Scrooge. Father of Grace.
Beadle – Vocal range A2-B-flat 3. Worker in the royal exchange.
Old Joe – Vocal range F3-C-sharp 4. Scavenger of the dead.
Young Marley – Vocal range D3-F-sharp 4. Must be able to move. Starts business with Scrooge at 18 and shares a similar mindset of greed.
Scrooge at 12 – Vocal range F-sharp 3-A4. Poor orphan Scrooge working in a factory and vows to save his money. Misses and loves his sister, Fan.
Grace Smythe – Vocal range D-flat 4-F-sharp 5. Daughter of Mr. Smythe. Sad yet hopeful.
Fan at 10 – Vocal range A4-E5. Must be able to dance. Younger sister to Scrooge.
Martha Cratchit – Sister to Tiny Tim. Loves her family.
Mrs. Mops – Vocal range D-sharp 4-D5. Maid for Scrooge. Gets to sass Scrooge a bit.
Scrooge’s Mother – Vocal range C4-C5. Sad, yet beautiful cameo moment.
Featured Ensemble Roles
Scrooge at 8
Fan at 6
Scrooge’s Father
The ensemble will perform in many different roles including:
Anderson Children
Cratchit Children
Angel Choir
Rich Women
Charity Men/Women
…and more!
A Christmas Carol (Broadway Version)
is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI).
All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.