Well, it’s about time! It’s been almost 5 years since
I’ve directed a show at PCPH. I grew up in the PCPH
family, so it’s almost like a second home. Best of
all, the award-winning Kiss Me Kate gives performers
an opportunity to extend their talents in comedic
musical theater and Shakespeare – all wrapped into
one delightful show! Taking its inspiration from
Shakespeare, Kiss Me Kate recounts the backstage and
onstage antics of two feuding romantic couples,
star-upstaging upstarts, and sudden romances during a
touring production of The Taming of the Shrew.
Although I directed Kiss Me Kate in 1983, I look
forward to creating a fresh revival of the Cole Porter
musical. It sparkles with wonderful music and dance.
The musical includes classic Cole Porter songs
including “Another Op’nin’, Another Show”, “Wunderbar,”
“So In Love,” “Too Darn Hot”, and “Brush Up Your
Shakespeare.” It is a show within a show, where the
present day troupe is presenting Shakespeare’s The
Taming of the Shrew and the audience travels between
Shakespeare’s Padua and the intrigues within the
theatrical company. I’m really looking forward to
auditions on April 5 at 3:00 and April 6 at 7:00 p.m..
We’re having them a bit early in lieu of the fact that
the following weekend is Easter. We will begin
rehearsals after Easter, rehearsing in the evening
Monday through Thursday and sometimes Friday. The cast
will be provided with a full rehearsal schedule up to
opening night on June 5. I’m looking forward to
working with “old” friends, and more importantly
working with new friends. It is so important to me that
everyone realizes that auditions are open to ANYONE who
has an interest in working together to give our PCPH
audition a wonderful evening of entertainment. I love
new talent on stage! I never want auditions to be
intimidating. Auditions will include singing a verse and
chorus from one of your favorite songs, reading from the
script, and some dancing or movement depending on the
role for which you are auditioning (so bring proper
shoes). A complete description of the roles will be
available at auditions. An accompanist will be provided,
but bring your own sheet music. I learned long long ago,
you are only as good as the people with which you
surround yourself. Geoff Price and I have worked together
for years both at GHS and PCPH. Our cast will have the
best of the best with music director Geoff, who is joined
by Marilyn Burdsall. Choreographer Lita Sandy and I
haven’t got to work together for several years, and the
hours we spend together–her inventing dance moves and me
saying “almost” are so much fun. And of course with my
good friend Jack Randall Earles at my side along with the
very talented Kullan Edberg assisting, how can I go wrong!?
Bryan Schroeder will serve as the technical director. He
will always be “Red” to me, and I have great memories of
first working with Red at GHS when he began his technical
career. And last, but certainly not least, I can become very
bull-headed if the show doesn’t reap the rewards of the
creative spirits of Linda Gjesvold. It is with great
anticipation I not only look forward to seeing you at Kiss Me
Kate auditions, but also look forward to watching a cast come
together with lots of work, fun and laughs at rehearsals.
Come join us make magic as we open the 2009 Putnam County
Playhouse season.