Getting to Know Caroline Good!

Our new web series “Conversations With Jack – Getting to Know You” debuts today!
We will have a new interview each week. You will get to know the Putnam County Playhouse board and hear about their experiences at PCPH. 
You’ll also get an insider’s view about how the Putnam County Playhouse works.
We hope you join us every week for a new episode.
Watch the show HERE.
You can also view the interviews daily at 7 p.m. on D3TV, DePauw University Television on your Greencastle cable systems.  Thanks, Greg Stephan!


We would like to say a BIG Thank YOU to those who contributed to our 2020 Fund Drive.

These are names you would usually see in the program for all of our Mainstage Productions!


Mudkip (pokemon) - Drawception
Due to restrictions and difficulties caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic, the PCPH board of directors has announced that the entire 2020 Mainstage slate of musicals and plays has been cancelled.

All previously announced productions are included.   It was hoped that postponing two shows until the late summer would be possible.  The continuing difficulties and statistics have proven that to be too optimistic.

Health concerns for our participants and audiences were determining factors in this decision.

Our YTW SHAKESPEARED! and Children’s Theatre workshops will be held virtually and/or under strict conditions as mandated by state regulations.  

The YTW production will be presented outdoors at Robe-Ann Park.

Those activities are being sponsored by:

 First National Bank 

Read about them HERE.
A grant from Arts Illiana

Read about them HERE.

And with the cooperation of the 
Greencastle Parks & Recreation Board

Read about them HERE.

And a grant from:

Read about them HERE.

And a grant from:

Read about them HERE.

The board would like to thank everyone for their continued support.  Please keep checking our website and Facebook pages for updates on our activities and information about the upcoming 2021 season during which we will celebrate our 60thanniversary.  

Keep watching the website and our Facebook pages for some video surprises that may show up now and then!