Planning Ahead – Looking Ahead!

Planning a production and putting together all of the pieces can’t wait until the last minute! So director Shelly McFadden decided to go ahead with work on The Hunchback of Notre Dame – our first planned production for 2021.

Left to right: Noah Pettit, Dustin Bond, Ric McFadden, Connor George, Cadence McFadden

“One of the advantages of directing the first show is that you get to have the main stage for your entire rehearsal process,” said Shelly. “I love the Rehearsal Center, but it is fun to have the Barn to yourself for a few weeks.”

Director Shelly McFadden dropped her mask briefly to take a selfie with the crew.

The second production Pillow Talk with director Andrew Ranck will begin its process in the Rehearsal Center early in June.

Shelly and husband Ric – who is the set designer & construction captain for the show – got their crew together earlier this week for some preliminary stage work. Also on hand were Dustin Bond, Connor George, Noah Pettit, and Caydence McFadden.

Noah Pettit

Dustin Bond

Board members are watching the news and following the Pandemic News and Restrictions closely as spring approaches. Final decisions about auditions, performances, and tickets will be announced as they are made in accordance with state guidelines.

You can read about the scheduled audition dates for Hunchback of Notre Dame HERE.

Additional show information and Director’s Notes for all productions will be posted in February!!


We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to our 2021 Fund Drive! You make it possible for us to do what we do.

We are meeting regularly and keeping up with all of the news concerning the Pandemic including any new restrictions that may be posted.

It is our genuine hope that we will be able to present our 2021 Season!

Be sure to follow us on INSTAGRAM.

Be safe! And we hope to see you soon at the Barn!