The annual meeting for Putnam County Playhouse was held on Sunday, October 3, at the Hazel Day Longden Theatre. Board members and guests Ashlee Anne Vitz and Bryan Schroeder convened to hear reports on the 2021 season.
Committee chairpersons gave their reports on their activity and a lively conversation about PCPH was enjoyed by all.
As provided in the By-Laws of PCPH, the nominating committee also put forth the names of those who were to be considered for the role of a member of the board. Four names of board members whose terms were expiring and who had expressed an interest in serving again were placed in nomination. They were Caroline Good, Brad Sandy, Sandi Rossok, and Shelly McFadden. Cameron Wunderlich was nominated to fulfill the final year of retiring board member Drew Brattain’s term. The roster was accepted by acclamation.
Jack Randall Earles was named the winner of the Upstage Award for his role as Louis XI in The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

In the regular board meeting that followed, the nomination committee presented its prepared slate of officers who will serve for the coming season. They were President, Shelly McFadden; Vice-Presidents, Dustin Bond and Linda Gjesvold; Recording Secretary-Assistant Treasurer, Kathryn Dory; Corresponding Secretary, Jack Randall Earles; and Treasurer, Mark Hammer.
Congratulations to our new president Shelly McFadden and welcome to new board member Cameron Wunderlich!