Director Shelly McFadden has scheduled two sessions of auditions for the Putnam County Playhouse production of the mystery comedy Clue: Onstage. The first will be Sunday, May 1 at 3 p.m. The second session will be Monday, May 2 at 7 p.m. The auditions will be in the Michael McClaine Rehearsal Center at the Hazel Day Longden Theatre.
McFadden and her assistant director Vickie Parker will hear readings from the script. Sides will be provided. A list of characters and their stage age can be found here. The cast calls for five women and six men. You can also download an audition sheet here.
McFadden and Parker are also looking for technical and backstage personnel. If you are interested in working in those roles, you are invited to stop by auditions and talk to them about opportunities. Production Stage Manager is Cameron Wunderlich.
This will be the second production of the 61st season of PCPH. It will be produced July 7-9 and July 13-16. It is being sponsored by:

The comedy is based on the 1985 movie Clue with the characters and situations from the movie recreated for the stage. Help us bring the movie to life on our stage. This whodunit can become a YOUdunnit!
After an Open House at 3 p.m. on Sunday, May 29, our season opens on June 2 with the musical OLIVER!