If you happen to be driving down Round Barn Road, don’t be surprised if you hear music and the sounds of dancing. The 61st season June & July shows are in rehearsals right now. First up in June is the Lionel Bart Tony-Award winning musical Oliver! It will be produced June 2-4 & June 8-11. Tickets for the show will go on sale on Sunday, May 29, at 1 p.m. during the annual PCPH Open House. Season tickets will be mailed out the third week in May.

Oliver! is directed by Caroline Good. Vocal Direction is by Kathryn Dory. Amy Tharp is the Pit Conductor/Pianist and choreography is by Sarah Armitage & Josh Bain. [Click HERE to read who’s in the cast!]

The show is sponsored by:

While Oliver! is toiling away on the main stage, Clue: Onstage is being blocked by directors Shelly McFadden & Vickie Parker in the Michael McClaine Rehearsal Center. [You can read about who’s who in the cast HERE].

With scripts in hand, the cast is working on developing characters and memorizing lines and blocking. Most shows rehearse four evenings each week to be ready for opening night. Clue: Onstage will be presented July 7-9 & July 13=16 on the main stage. Tickets for all shows will be on sale at the Open House at 1 p.m. on Sunday, May 29.

The show is sponsored by:

The August musical Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and our September show The Miracle Worker have auditions coming up. If you’re interested in auditioning for either show, watch the website for information or ask any Board Member at the Open House!
Our technical committee – headed by Dustin Bond – is working on new lighting for our theatre. A matching grant from the Putnam County Foundation with the assistance of a semi-matching grant from Parke County REMC have helped us with the cost of the conversion to LED lighting instruments.

The LED lighting instruments use less electricity and burn with less heat than conventional instruments.

Plan to join us on Sunday, May 29, at 1 p.m. for the Open House celebrating our 61st season. Oliver! will be rehearsing, light refreshments will be served, and you can purchase your tickets to any show of our season! We hope to see you there!