“BAREFOOT” Is Season of Hits Finale!


The 2018 Season of Hits at Putnam County Playhouse will come to a close with a production of the Neil Simon comedy Barefoot in the Park

l-R: Don Wilson, Tammy Hunter, Sarah Bond, Drew A. Harris
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Barefoot in the Park is being directed by Jack Randall Earles. The assistant director is Sandi Rossok. The set was designed by Linda Gjesvold.

Sound and light design are by Dustin Bond. Production stage manager is Brandon Wunderlich. Lighting operator is Anna Harris who is also the assistant production stage manager. The stage crew includes Hadley McCoy and Devin Huff.

Sarah Bond
Sarah Bond is featured in the leading role of Corie Bratter, a free-spirited young woman who is a new bride. Her husband of six days, Paul Bratter is played by Drew A. Harris. The play takes place in their 5th floor walk-up apartment in New York City in February, 1968. The couple soon find out that love might not be enough to overcome their different outlooks on life.

Drew A. Harria

Sarah was in Curtains last season and choreographed Annie earlier this season.  Drew appeared in The Addams Family and Laughing Stock last season.

Mrs. Banks, Corie’s mother, is played by Tammy Hunter. The mysterious upstairs neighbor, Mr. Velasco is played by Don Wilson. Living along in New Jersey is beginning to make Mrs. Banks reevaluate her life. Mr. Velasco is the neighborhood Lothario who is beginning to realize his lifestyle might have some drawbacks.

Tammy has appeared in such shows as The Drowsy Chaperone and Don’t Drink the Water. Don was seen recently in Laughing Stock and 1776.

Completing the cast are Brian Cox as the Telephone Man who delivers some sage advice to Corie and Clarence Long as the Delivery Man who makes a memorable trek up the five flights to the apartment.

Brian was in Laughing Stock last season. Clarence began his PCPH career in Kiss Me Kate in 2009, and he has appeared in many shows including Guys & Dolls and The Bad Seed.

L-R: Don Wilson, Sarah Bond, Clarence Long, Drew A. Harris, Brian Cox, Tammy Hunter

Playwright Neil Simon recently passed away. Many of his plays have been produced at PCPH. Among his other comedies you may have seen on our stage are The Odd Couple, The Prisoner of Second Avenue, and The Sunshine Boys.

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Neil Simon   1927-2018