Photo by Michael McClaine
With the first auditions for the season just around the corner (April 9 & 10), we are busy getting the theatre and parking lot ready!

The audience parking area has been graded and new stone has been added.  The cast parking area located behind the small barn also received some special attention.

On April 1, several board members and friends of Putnam County Playhouse met at the Hazel Day Longden Theatre to get the facility ready for the beginning of the 56th season.

Bethany Bax updates the photo library..

Plumbing work was seen to by President Michael McClaine. 

Board President Michael McCaline

Jim Green and Dustin Bond worked on cleaning the auditorium and loft areas, and hanging photos.

Jim Green and Dustin Bond keeping the photos straight.

Others in attendance included Meghan Armitage, Sandi Rossok and Shelly McFadden who wielded broom and dust cloth to spiff up the facility.

Sandi Rossok, Shelly McFadden, Meghan Armitage in the cleaned up lobby.

Also present was board member Jack Randall Earles and friends of PCPH Eleanor Howard and Cecily Girton.  The board members were joined later at a lunch meeting by Ric McFadden, Melissa Green, and Brenda McClaine.  
Watch your mailbox for your Season Ticket Brochure!  Be a part of our season!