FAQ About Season Tickets!

Longtime Ticket Committee Chair Linda Gjesvold has answered some of the most Frequently Asked Questions about Season Tickets for us in the following article.

Season tickets to Putnam County Playhouse productions are primarily sold through mail order subscriptions. A brochure is   mailed in late April or early May to all persons on our mailing list.  Patrons return the attached order form with payment to our Post Office Box.  Reserved seating is assigned and tickets are mailed the third week of May.

    Tickets must be reserved for a specific Series – the same night for each show.  No mixed Series please.

    Tickets for individual shows may be exchanged at the box office.

    In appreciation for their continued patronage, past season ticket holders receive their order forms two weeks before the remainder of the mailing list.  This gives them the opportunity to order the same seats as they had the previous season(s).  After this two week grace period this advantage is no longer valid. You must send in your request during this two-week period to get your same seats!

If you attend as a season ticket holder under another patron’s name, we need to know that name to assign you the same seats. If your seat partners do not renew, we do not have your name as a season ticket holder.

    Orders are filled in order of postmark. No phone orders please.

    If you change your request to a series other than the one you received last year you may not be assigned the same seats.  Someone else sat there last year and has the first choice.

    Season tickets may also be purchased during box office hours.  The box office will open May 29, 2016, during our annual Open House.  Regular Box Office hours are 5:00 – 7:00 pm Monday through Saturday of each performance week. The Box Office is NOT open at any other time.

    In order to receive a brochure you must be on our mailing list. 

Putnam County Playhouse is an ALL-VOLUNTEER corporation. All the people involved give the time because they want to support PCPH. This includes all Board Members.

We do NOT have a paid Box Office Staff, so the Box Office is open only during show weeks and only during the posted time.

To contact us during the off season – please click on the Contact Us tab at the top of the page and send us an email.
Season tickets to Putnam County Playhouse productions are primarily sold through mail order subscriptions.  A brochure is mailed in late April or early May to all persons on our mailing list.  Patrons return the attached order form with payment to our Post Office Box.  Reserved seating is assigned and tickets are mailed the third week of May.

  • Tickets must be reserved for a specific Series – the same night for each show.  No mixed Series please.
  • Tickets for individual shows may be exchanged at the box office.
  • In appreciation for their continued patronage, past season ticket holders receive their order forms two weeks before the remainder of the mailing list.  This gives them the opportunity to order the same seats as they had the previous season(s).  After this two week grace period this advantage is no longer valid. You must send in your request during this two-week period to get your same seats!
  • Orders are filled in order of postmark.
  • No phone orders please.
  • If you change your request to a series other than the one you received last year you may not be assigned the same seats.  Someone else sat there last year and has the first choice.
  • Season tickets may also be purchased during box office hours.  The box office will open May 29, 2016, during our annual Open House.  Regular Box Office hours are 5:00 – 7:00pm Monday through Saturday of each performance week.
  • In order to receive a brochure you must be on our mailing list. 
Putnam County Playhouse is an ALL-VOLUNTEER corporation. All the people involved give the time because they want to support PCPH. This includes all Board Members.
We do NOT have a paid Box Office Staff, so the Box Office is open only during show weeks and only during the posted time.

– See more at: http://www.putnamcountyplayhouse.com/tickets.html#sthash.0D2MVm4s.dpuf