A new local theatre group is presenting Love Letters by A.R. Gurney at the Putnam County Museum. The event is a fundraiser for the benefit of the Museum. It will be presented Saturday evening, October 6, at 8 p.m.  A Sunday performance with a brunch catered by Almost Home will be on October 7, with a 1 p.m. start for the meal and 2 p.m. curtain for the play.

The show is a Reader’s Theatre Production by the local group Silver Linings Players, a group for seniors interested in theatre and acting.  It will star husband and wife acting team, Karen K. Temple and Ben Dulaski.

The deadline for reservations for the Sunday brunch and show is Wednesday, October 3.

Seating is limited but are still available.  Reservations can be made by calling the Museum at 765-653-8419 or by visiting the Putnam County Museum at 1105 N. Jackson Street for tickets. Tickets are $10 for the Friday performance and $20 for the Sunday brunch and performance.

Love Letters was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for drama when it was first produced in 1989.  

Karen K. Temple – who is appearing in the show with husband Ben Dulaski – recently spoke to us about the experience.

PCPH: Hi, Karen! Before we talk about Love Letters, can you tell us a bit about your history with the Putnam County Playhouse?

Karen: My first show at PCPH was 42nd Street [directed by Vickie Parker in 1996]. I picked up my Halloween costume tap shows and showed up at auditions with my second grade tap class moves.  I was completely over my head, but I was cast. I used to go our on the front porch at 2 a.m. to practice…..I couldn’t sleep for being terrified….  After that, I just kept auditioning and was lucky enough to get cast in about 20 shows since then.

PCPH: Do you have any particular roles you have especially enjoyed?

Yente in Fiddler on the Roof [2002].

Karen: Many, but I especially liked playing Miss Hannigan in Annie [directed by Lita Sandy in 1998], Yente in Fiddler on the Roof [directed by Ernie Ford in 2002], and Bloody Mary in South Pacific [directed by Jack Randall Earles in 2003], and so many more… 

As Bloody Mary in South Pacific in 2003.

PCPH: I know you and your husband have both been involved in PCPH, have you done any shows together here?

Karen:  Ben and I started dating in 2003, and we got to do little parts together for State Fair [directed by Vickie Parker in 2004] where we got to waltz together. And there was Singin’in the Rain [directed by Ric McFadden in 2008], and Don’t Drink the Water [directed by Jim Rambo in 2011]. We also did My Three Angels [directed by Ernie Ford in 2005] together. Ben also did several small parts in The Sound of Music [directed by Ernie Ford in 2006]. The plays we got to do together have been the most fun!

With Ben Dulaski in State Fair in 2004

PCPH: Have you always been interested in theatre – did you do theatre in school?

Karen: I did all the theatre in junior high and high school that they would let me do. I was on the speech and debate team, too. I majored in Speech Education at Purdue, but I only did one theatre production there. I moved to Putnam County in 1992 and discovered this great venue.  Ben also did theatre in high school and played the lead in Father of the Bride at Bedford Community Theatre in the 1990’s.

In I Remember Mama in 1998.

PCPH: Where did the idea for your group Silver Linings Players come from, and are you still actively seeking participants?

Karen: Linda Ford contacted me about Silver Linings Players, a Readers’ Theatre.  Kathy Stephan had the idea to harness all of the “grey power” in the couty, some of who couldn’t do high kicks or memorize scripts any more. Linda thought of Ben and me, and when I mentioned it to Ben, he was all for it.

My Three Angels cast. Karen front row left, Ben second row right.

We’ve had a lot of fun. No costumes, no scenery, no memorization. We let the plays speak for themselves. Most of what we do is comedy. Usually short readings of 10-25 minutes at most. We have mostly performed for senior centers. and we have a good group of participants, but we would always encourage more folks. 

A few of our members are trying their hand at writing short pieces for future performances, and one is working on a full length script. Our meetings are at the Putnam County Museum on the first and third Mondays of each month. They run from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. We usually go out for lunch afterwards. Ben and I have met a lot of new people with a wide variety of backgrounds and are enjoying it a lot.

We welcome anyone who is interested to join us.

PCPH: Tell us about Love Letters and how you came to choose it for this event?

Karen: In 2004 or so, Ernie Ford approached me about doing Love Letters with him as a fund raiser for the Heart Association at the Walden Inn on Valentine’s Day. I had never heard of it before, but it was an easy sell. Love Letters is always done by reading the letters which comprise the play; the author expressly prohibits memorization. Ben helped me rehearse and said to me at one point: “You and I should do this sometime.”  I agreed.  When Silver Linings was asking for ideas for a fund raiser for the Putnam County Museum, I volunteered Ben and me.

Image result for love letters the play

This is play that continues to grow on you. It’s a very powerful piece. There are only two characters – all of the lines are from the letters they wrote to each other over a 50+ years period of time.  The play begins in 1937, with letters that they wrote to each other at seven years old.  He is a very strait-laced young man who grows up to meet his father’s expectations – including a seat in the U.S. Senate. She is an artist, a free spirit, and a wounded bird. Every time I read it, I find another nuance in their relationship that I had overlooked. Every time I read it, I read it, my feeling that “…there but for the Grace of God go I…” intensifies.

PCPH: How do you think theatre makes a difference in the lives of those who do it and those who watch it?

Karen: Theatre transports us to other worlds – like reading does, but with more social interaction! Plays like Looking Over The President’s Shoulder for instance, teach us history in a painless way, one individual at a time, by involving us emotionally.  I have formed some of my closest friendships by participating in plays, both by discussing life and general, and the microcosm that you are portraying. This play is about writing letters, for Heaven’s sake! Who does that any more?  How did the lack of the instant communication we have today benefit or hold back a relationship?

PCPH: Anything else you’d like to add?

Karen: This is a full length production, approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes. We will be selling beer, wine, and soft drinks at the 8 p.m. performance on Saturday, October 6. Almost Home is catering the Sunday at 1 p.m. brunch, and the performance will begin at 2 p.m. We’ve sold enough seats to have a respectable showing, but we still have seats left. [Reservations for the Sunday brunch/performance must be made by Wednesday October 3]. This might be the best thing I ever get to do, so I hope we have a full house!

It’s for a great cause – the Putnam County Museum is a treasure for our county!

PCPH: Thanks, Karen.  We wish you a great success with this show, and with the Silver Linings Players!



The Neil Simon comedy Barefoot In The Park continues its run this week at the Hazel Day Longden Theatre.  

Drew A. Harris as Paul and Sarah Bond as Corie.
The show is sponsored by:

Click HERE to learn more about our sponsor,
The comedy closes our Season of Hits!


Jack Randall Earles in “The Mousetrap”
Next week, you can also see PCPH veteran Jack Randall Earles when he appears as Monsignor O’Hara in the DePauw University production of the musical Sister Act.  The production is being directed by Susan Anthony who appeared at PCPH in Steel Magnolias and Hello, Dolly!  Costumer for the show is Caroline Good, a PCPH board member who directed this season’s Annie. Playing in the pit is Jacob Peterman who appeared at PCPH in Guys & Dolls and Little Shop of Horrors.

Tickets for Sister Act can be purchased at this link.  The musical will be presented September 27-30.

 Buy Sister Act Tickets HERE.

“BAREFOOT” Is Season of Hits Finale!


The 2018 Season of Hits at Putnam County Playhouse will come to a close with a production of the Neil Simon comedy Barefoot in the Park

l-R: Don Wilson, Tammy Hunter, Sarah Bond, Drew A. Harris
Barefoot in the Park is sponsored by:

Click HERE to learn more about our sponsor.
Barefoot in the Park is being directed by Jack Randall Earles. The assistant director is Sandi Rossok. The set was designed by Linda Gjesvold.

Sound and light design are by Dustin Bond. Production stage manager is Brandon Wunderlich. Lighting operator is Anna Harris who is also the assistant production stage manager. The stage crew includes Hadley McCoy and Devin Huff.

Sarah Bond
Sarah Bond is featured in the leading role of Corie Bratter, a free-spirited young woman who is a new bride. Her husband of six days, Paul Bratter is played by Drew A. Harris. The play takes place in their 5th floor walk-up apartment in New York City in February, 1968. The couple soon find out that love might not be enough to overcome their different outlooks on life.

Drew A. Harria

Sarah was in Curtains last season and choreographed Annie earlier this season.  Drew appeared in The Addams Family and Laughing Stock last season.

Mrs. Banks, Corie’s mother, is played by Tammy Hunter. The mysterious upstairs neighbor, Mr. Velasco is played by Don Wilson. Living along in New Jersey is beginning to make Mrs. Banks reevaluate her life. Mr. Velasco is the neighborhood Lothario who is beginning to realize his lifestyle might have some drawbacks.

Tammy has appeared in such shows as The Drowsy Chaperone and Don’t Drink the Water. Don was seen recently in Laughing Stock and 1776.

Completing the cast are Brian Cox as the Telephone Man who delivers some sage advice to Corie and Clarence Long as the Delivery Man who makes a memorable trek up the five flights to the apartment.

Brian was in Laughing Stock last season. Clarence began his PCPH career in Kiss Me Kate in 2009, and he has appeared in many shows including Guys & Dolls and The Bad Seed.

L-R: Don Wilson, Sarah Bond, Clarence Long, Drew A. Harris, Brian Cox, Tammy Hunter

Playwright Neil Simon recently passed away. Many of his plays have been produced at PCPH. Among his other comedies you may have seen on our stage are The Odd Couple, The Prisoner of Second Avenue, and The Sunshine Boys.

Related image
Neil Simon   1927-2018

Thinking about Season Tickets for 2019?

Season tickets are the best way to guarantee that you have a seat for each Main Stage production. Our 2019 season – with the theme “Love Conquers All” – promises to be as popular as our current season.

Season tickets are sold by mail subscription in the spring.  They are NOT available before then. A brochure is mailed to previous season ticket holders and everyone on our mailing list in April. If you are not on our mailing list, send your snail mail address to:

Putnam County Playhouse
Mailing List
Box 309
Greencastle IN 46135

Further information about SEASON TICKETS can be found HERE.  Click and scroll down in the TICKETS column to read the Season Ticket details from our Ticket Chairperson, Linda Gjesvold.

Those folks on our mailing list receive only THREE mailings from Putnam County Playhouse:
1. Season Ticket Brochure
2. Annual Meeting Notice
3. Fall Fund Drive Letter

Our Season of Hits closes with Barefoot in the Park which opens September 13.  The box office for the Neil Simon comedy opens on Monday, September 10, at 5 p.m.

“Barefoot” cast: L-R: Brian Cox, Don Wilson, Drew A. Harris, Sarah Bond, Tammy Hunter, Clarence Long

Barefoot in the Park is sponsored by:

Click HERE to learn more about our sponsor.




Click HERE to learn more about our sponsor.

Drew Alexander & Sarah Bond rehearse as Paul & Corie Bratter.


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Because our current production Disney’s Beauty and the Beast is sold out:

If you have tickets on reserve and find you will not be able to attend, please telephone the box office to release those tickets for sale.

If you have season tickets that you will not be able to use, please let us know so that those tickets can be released for someone who wants to see the show.

We appreciate your helping us.

Remember we are ALL volunteers.  The box office is only open during the posted hours, no one is there during the morning or early afternoon to take your calls.  There are usually many people at the window and with only one person working, it is sometimes difficult to get through, but we are trying to keep up with the calls.

Box Office:

5 p.m. to 7 p.m.






This production is sponsored by:

Click HERE to learn more about our sponsor.
Director for the production is Lee Reberger, who also directed Into the Woods and appeared last season in Curtains – The Musical. Marilyn Rush is the pianist and pit conductor. The orchestra includes Michael McClaine, percussion, Drew Brattain, bass guitar; Marcia Boswell, flute and piccolo; and David Lorimer, clarinet.

L-R: Fawn McFadden, Shelly McFadden, Becca George, Ally Taylor, Ric McFadden

Many families are working together on the production.  They include Ric McFadden, in the leading role of Beast, wife Shelly McFadden as Mrs. Potts, and daughter Fawn McFadden (assistant director) and grand daughters Becca George (ensemble) and Ally Taylor (spotlight operator).

L-R: Jocelyn Gardner, Brad Sandy, Chloe Gardner, Lita Sandy
Other families include Brad Sandy (Prince/Monsieur Dark) and wife Lita Sandy (ensemble), and grand daughters Jocelyn Gardner (Chip) and Chloe Gardner, who assisted with choreography. 

L-R: Hadley McCoy, Lisa McCoy

Lisa McCoy appears as Babette and her daughter Hadley McCoy is working as a backstage assistant.

L-R: Robin Schneider & Matt Schneider
Matt Schneider and wife Robin Schneider are in the ensemble. Ellen McCoullough is playing Madame de la Grande Bouche. Her daughters Clarissa, Ellissa, Kaitlyn, and Hannahlore are in the ensemble. Her son Aengus is running one of the spotlights for the show.

L-R: Hannahlore, Ellissa, Kaitlyn, Aengus, Clarissa, & Ellen McCullough

Amanda Henry and her daughter Ellie Henry – who recently appeared together in Annie are also in the ensemble, daughter Mollie is working backstage.

L-R: Ellie, Amanda, and Mollie Henry

Meghan Armitage is Belle – her father Michael McClaine is the percussionist for the production. Husband Craig Armitage is sound designer for the show.

L-R: Michael McClaine, Craig, Abigail & Meghan Armitage

Performers appearing in other leading roles are Dustin Bond (Lumiere), John Tischer (Gaston), Jay Prewitt (Maurice), Cameron Callan (LeFou), and Joshua Bain (Cogsworth).  

The ensemble also includes Alex Foster, Daniel Purnell, Devin Huff, Alexandra Gandy, Sarah Arnold, and Paige Kaiser.

Production stage manager is Cameron Wunderlich with Anna Harris as assistant stage manager. Noah Pettit is also working on the stage crew. Set design is by Linda Gjesvold.

Sound designer Armitage is assisted by Darvëll Barger.  Lighting designer is Dustin Bond and Grace Elmore is running the light board. 

We hope your family will join our family to see Disney’s Beauty and the Beast.

The season of hits continues in September with Neil Simon’s Barefoot in the Park.

Thanks to Dustin Bond for the photographs.


The annual PCPH Children’s Theatre Workshop is in full swing this week. Organized and produced by Caroline Good, the CTW allows students to learn about theatre by participating in games and taking part in a full stage production.

It is being sponsored by:

Click HERE to learn more about our sponsor.
And by a grant from:

Click HERE to learn more about Arts Illiana

The presentations this year are Snow White: A New Narration written by Alexandra Gandy and directed by Gandy and Ohenaba Akua Quarshie. 

Appearing in this episode are Maggie Cooper, Ella Tischer, Alexander Bruggerman, Katie Funk, Emily Hunsinger, Clara Everett, Madison Stahl, and Sarah Nichols.

Also in this cast are Gunner Reach, Maisy Isaacs-Bailey, Lilly Green, Lydia Wells, Jake Hu, Jocelyn Gardner, Josie Tischer, Samuel Welch, Jewelee Butcher, Bentley Pettit, Devin Huff, and Jayden Jackson. 

The second production is Goldilocks and the Bad Idea written by Rebecca Hebb & Isabella Green and directed by Caroline Good & Robin Schneider.

Its cast features Lara Schneider, Addalyn Brinkman, Grayson Linnewebber, Penny Cummings, Reese Query, Catherine Ryan-Schager, Maura Lazar, Lillian Welch, Bryson Worman, Jade Hu, and Elyse Ensley.

Also in the cast are Josie Cox, Parker Helmer, Joey Draper, Aiden Brinkman, Harvey Cummings, Lydia Grove, Quinn Pettit,  and Jasmine Cummings.

Technical crew for both productions are Fiona Good and Quarshie.

Interns for the Workshop this year include Craig Robinson, Devin Huff, Grant Pettit, Fiona Good, Katie Newtown, Rebecca Hebb, Isabella Green, Samantha Funk, Boyd Ensley, and Evan Lazar.

The performance will be Friday, July 27, at 7 p.m. in the Hazel Day Longden Theatre.  Admission is free, and the public is invited to attend!

“Barefoot” Auditions!!

Image result for barefoot in the park
Original Broadway Playbill

The play will be produced September 13-15 and September 19-22. It is being sponsored by:

To read more about our sponsor click HERE.

It is being directed by Jack Randall Earles.  Assistant director is Sandi Rossok. They last collaborated on the play On Golden Pond in 2016.
Characters to be cast include the lead Corie Bratter, a young newlywed with firm opinions about life and marriage, stage age early 20’s; Paul Bratter, her new husband, a brash young lawyer with his own uptight views, stage age mid to late 20’s; Helen Banks, Corie’s mother, who is trying to adjust to life on her own, stage age 50’s+; Mr. Victor Velasco, the upstairs neighbor with a eye for the ladies who may just be interested in Helen, stage age 50’s+.  There are two smaller roles, a telephone installation man who offers Paul and Corie advice on life and marriage, and a non-speaking role of a delivery man.  Ages for these characters are undetermined.

Those auditioning should be at least 18 years of age. There are no roles for children in this production.

All of those attending will be asked to read from the script.

To download an audition form click HERE.
To read the scenes that will be used at auditions click HERE