The second show of our “Season of Laughs” is the Larry Shue comedy The Foreigner. It will be produced July 13-15 and July 19-22.  Director Jim Green will have two sessions of auditions for all roles in the show. The first session will be Sunday, May 14 at 3 p.m. to be followed by a second session on Monday, May 15, at 7 p.m. Both sessions will be held in the Rehearsal Center at the Hazel Day Longden Theatre.

The Foreigner is being sponsored by:

Click HERE to learn more about our sponsor.

The Foreigner tells the story of Charlie Baker (stage age 20’s – 40’s), a broken-hearted Englishman who wants to take a vacation and get his life together. His friend Froggy Le Sueur (stage age 30’s – 40’s) – also an Englishman – recommends the Georgia fishing lodge of his good friend Betty (stage age 40’s-50’s). English accents are required for Charlie and Froggy.

When Charlie decides he doesn’t want to be bothered by the locals, he takes Froggy’s advice and pretends that he can’t speak English.  Everyone around him reveals secrets thinking that he can’t understand what they are saying. The hilarious consequences of his charade turn everything upside down.

Roles including Charley, Froggy, Bette, are all open.  Other open roles include the local minister David Marshall Lee, his fiance Catherine Sims, and Ellard Sims, her brother.  Also along for the fun is Owen Musser a local do-gooder who is actually the leader of group of rabble rousers.   The stage ages for all of these roles is 20’s to 40’s, with the exception of Ellard who is late teens early 20’s.

Auditions will consist of readings from the script.  More information can be found under the Current Season drop down at the top of the page on the website!


When Mrs. Hazel Day Longden donated this property to us, it had two structures – the main barn and a smaller barn.  For the first two seasons in 1981 and 1982, we presented our show on the outdoor stage in front of the little barn.   Bleachers were constructed for our audience members, and minimal lighting instruments were used.

The dressing rooms were in the small barn.  They were used until the construction of the Rehearsal Center.  The outdoor stage was also used as rehearsal space and for special presentations such as the Children’s Workshop.

Marc Adams, Melodie Strain, Jill Monnett

There was only one performance rained out in two seasons, the Thursday night performance of the musical The Sound of Music.

Jim Poor starts to assemble the bleachers inside the small barn.

Recently, we did some work on the outside of the small barn to keep rain and running water from getting inside.  It is now used as a storage facility for flats and large set pieces.

We also added a new roof to the structure that matches the roof on the main barn and rehearsal center.  

It is now a secure and waterproof storage place that is can be used for any large set pieces or other property that we don’t have space for in the shop and prop areas of the Hazel Day Longden Theatre and Rehearsal Center.

There was a time, however, when it was the center of all activity of the Putnam County Playhouse – two seasons still fondly remembered by many onstage and offstage.

New photos by Michael McClaine


The Season Ticket brochures have been mailed!  

Please return it as soon as possible to be guaranteed your seats from past seasons.

Lots of fun for everyone during our 56th Season.

June brings Curtains – A Musical Mystery.  In July you can see the delightful comedy The Foreigner.  August brings our second musical, The Addams Family.  The season closes with the theatrical farce Laughing Stock.

Season tickets are $35 each.  Individual tickets for each production will go on sale at our annual Open House on May 28.


Photo by Michael McClaine
With the first auditions for the season just around the corner (April 9 & 10), we are busy getting the theatre and parking lot ready!

The audience parking area has been graded and new stone has been added.  The cast parking area located behind the small barn also received some special attention.

On April 1, several board members and friends of Putnam County Playhouse met at the Hazel Day Longden Theatre to get the facility ready for the beginning of the 56th season.

Bethany Bax updates the photo library..

Plumbing work was seen to by President Michael McClaine. 

Board President Michael McCaline

Jim Green and Dustin Bond worked on cleaning the auditorium and loft areas, and hanging photos.

Jim Green and Dustin Bond keeping the photos straight.

Others in attendance included Meghan Armitage, Sandi Rossok and Shelly McFadden who wielded broom and dust cloth to spiff up the facility.

Sandi Rossok, Shelly McFadden, Meghan Armitage in the cleaned up lobby.

Also present was board member Jack Randall Earles and friends of PCPH Eleanor Howard and Cecily Girton.  The board members were joined later at a lunch meeting by Ric McFadden, Melissa Green, and Brenda McClaine.  
Watch your mailbox for your Season Ticket Brochure!  Be a part of our season!


Registration for both of our Theatre Workshops is now open.  Space is limited, so please register as soon as possible!

Online registration can be found at the WORKSHOP tabs at the top of the our website page.  Scroll to the WORKSHOPS tab and click on the workshop you are interested in.

Our workshops are sponsored by:

Click HERE to learn more about our sponsors.

If you a regular audience member or participant at Putnam County Playhouse, you have no doubt seen many members of the our Board of Directors working at the Hazel Day Longden Theatre.  You may see them onstage, in the pit, parking cars, selling tickets and refreshments, or cleaning the theatre after a performance.  We thought you might like to know who we are – and what duties we each take care of during the season and Off Season.

A member of the board of directors is nominated by a committee appointed by the President of PCPH.  The nominees are elected at the Annual Meeting held each October.

So – in chronological order – here is our Board:

Our longest serving Board Member is Linda Gjesvold. She was elected to the Board in 1969. She currently serves as Second Vice-President of the Board.  Linda is also Chairperson of the Ticket Committee. She is in charge of Season Ticket mailings, assigning the seats for Season Ticket Holders, and maintaining attendance records for each production.  She also serves on the Tech/Shop and Props Loft Committees. Linda has served several terms as President of the Board and designs and builds many of the sets and props used in our productions.

Jack Randall Earles was elected to the Board in 1982.  He currently serves as 1st Vice President of the Board. Jack is also the chairperson of the Promotions/Web Page Committee and is responsible for advertising and publicity about PCPH and its productions. He also works on the lobby displays and slide shows for each production. Jack is also a member of the Program Committee.  He has directed shows including On Golden Pond, Guys & Dolls, and The Bad Seed.  Jack has appeared in The Game’s Afoot, The Drowsy Chaperone, and The Prisoner of Second Avenue. He was most recently seen onstage in 1776.

Mark Hammer was elected to the Board in 1990. He is currently Treasurer of the organization. He presents the financial reports and makes recommendations about the fiduciary activities of PCPH.  Mark also serves on the Capital Projects and Finance/Fund Raising Committees.

Brad Sandy was elected to the Board in 1991.  He has appeared in and directed many productions at PCPH. He currently serves on the House, Program, and Maintenance Committees. 
Brad directed Arsenic and Old Lace and Cinderella.  He was also seen in Camelot and The Sunshine Boys. He was most recently seen onstage in Into The Woods.

Kathryn Dory was elected to the board in 1999. She currently serves as Secretary of the Board. Kathryn is Chairperson of the House Committee. Her duties include scheduling workers for performance nights of each production, maintaining supplies, ordering refreshments, and making sure the theatre and grounds are kept in good condition. Kathryn also serves on the Tickets Committee.  She has spent many productions working in the pit and as a music/vocal director. Kathryn has appeared in Bye Bye Birdie, Cinderella, Once Upon a Mattress, and The Curious Savage. She was most recently seen onstage in The Bad Seed.

Bethany Bax was first elected to the Board in 2002. She has appeared onstage and directed many productions at PCPH. Beth currently serves on the House, Program, and Youth Workshop Committees. Bethany has directed The Nerd and Our Town at PCPH.  She has also been seen in I Remember Mama, Blithe Spirit, and My Three Angels. She was most recently seen onstage in  The Bad Seed.

Michael McClaine was elected to the Board in 2000.  He has served as its President since 2004.  As President, he presides over the monthly meetings of the group, keeps records of all board activity, and makes other decisions (with the Executive Board) to keep PCPH moving ahead as an organization.  He is Chairperson of the Capital Projects and Maintenance Committees, and also serves on the Finance Committee.  He played leading roles in Harvey and Arsenic and Old Lace. Michael was most recently seen onstage in 1776.

Sandi Rossok was elected to the Board in 2002. She has appeared in many productions including On Borrowed Time, Man of La Mancha, and The Curious Savage.  She has also served as Assistant Director on several shows. She is Chairperson of the Props Loft Committee, and also serves on the Promotions/Web Page and House Committees.  She was most recently seen onstage in The Man Who Came to Dinner.

Jim Rambo was elected to the Board in 2004. He is currently a member of the House Committee and is in charge of the PCPH Recycling Program.  He has appeared in many shows including Pippin, The Crucible, and On Borrowed Time. Jim was most recently seen onstage in 1776.

Caroline Good was elected to the Board in 2006. She created our annual YTW SHAKESPEARED! and is Chairperson of the Youth Workshop Committee.  Caroline also serves on the Program and Costume Loft Committees.  Caroline has appeared in such shows as The Sound of Music and Man of La Mancha. She was most recently seen onstage in 1776.

Drew Brattain was elected to the Board in 2007. He is Chairperson of the Finance/Fund Raising Committee. Drew has played bass guitar in the pit for many musicals.  He also serves on the Program Committee.

Shelly McFadden was elected to the Board in 2007.  She is currently Chairperson of the Costume Loft and Program Committees. She has been seen in shows such as Clue The Musical and I’ll Be Back Before Midnight.  Shelly directed 1776, The Drowsy Chaperone, The Music Man and was most recently seen onstage in Into The Woods.

Ric McFadden was elected to the Board in 2008. He currently serves on the House and Maintenance Committees.  He most recently directed The Man Who Came to Dinner. He played King Arthur in two PCPH productions of Camelot. Ric was most recently seen onstage in 1776. Ric has played both The Music Man and The Man From La Mancha. He is the director for this season’s The Addams Family. Ric has won three Upstage Awards.


Jim Green was first elected to the Board in 2011. He currently serves on the House, Maintenance, and Finance/Fund Raising Committees. He made his debut in The Wizard of Oz.  He has run sound and handled the microphones for many shows. Jim was most recently seen onstage in See How They Run.

Meghan Armitage was elected to the Board in 2012.  She currently serves on the Ticket, Tech, and Program Committees. She has had leading roles in shows including Thoroughly Modern Millie, Into the Woods, and The Drowsy Chaperone. Meghan was seen onstage most recently in The Odd Couple.

Dustin Bond was elected to the Board in 2012. He currently serves as Chairperson of the Tech/Shop Committee. Dustin is also a member of the Maintenance and Promotions/Web Page Committees. Dustin appeared last season in Little Women and 1776. He was most recently seen onstage in The Odd Couple, for which he won an Upstage Award.

These Board Members work throughout the year to make sure that each season of PCPH is the best it can be.  All of their time is donated.  

Thanks to everyone has has contributed to our 2017 Fund Drive.  We appreciate your contributions and suggestions.

Our Fund Drive does continue throughout the season.  If you haven’t sent your donation, but are interested, you can download the form HERE.
Each contributor will be named in all of the programs for our Main Stage Shows.  Last season, over 3500 programs were distributed.  You can list your name, the name of your business, or donate in memory of a loved one.

Putnam County Playhouse is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation, so your donation is tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

PCPH is a completely volunteer organization. No one working onstage, backstage, or in the pit receives compensation for their efforts. Participation is for the love of theatre.  

The PCPH Board is also completely volunteer.  All board members share equally in the tasks required to keep our organization active.  This includes bookkeeping, administrative, and maintenance duties.  Committees work year round to make sure that each season is the best it can be.

Please be a part of Putnam County Playhouse.  We welcome people onstage and off to participate in all of our programs.

See you at the Barn!!!

50 Years Ago! PCPH IN 1967!

We were first established in the fall of 1961 as the Greencastle Summer Theatre by a group of local theatre-loving citizens. GST was incorporated in 1963 as Putnam County Playhouse.

The 1967 season opened with a musical revue with the theme “…Life Is” directed by James Elrod with musical direction by Peter Hill and choreography by Marie McKee.  Performers in the show that was presented at Speech Hall included Lori Frederick, Peggy McClaine, and Jay Guiliani. Read the program HERE.
Next up was the mystery Angel Street. Directed by Marian Gifford with technical direction Larry Sutton and Charlotte Gilliland. Leading roles were taken by James Elrod and Barbara Meehan.

Read the program HERE.

Next up, Jim Poor directed Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. This production featured the PCPH debut of Vickie [Knoy] Parker.  Musical director was Vera Andersen and choreography was by Vicki Grimes.

Also appearing in the cast were Ron Snodgrass, Kevin Aikman, Pam Liston, and Sally Rickets.

Read the program HERE.

Larry Creech and Jacque Schafer.

Next up, also at Speech Hall, was the Rodgers & Hammerstein musical Oklahoma!  It was directed by John Van Meter with musical direction by Robert Haas.  Choreographer was Jonie Skaggs.

Leading roles were taken by Larry Creech, Catherine Bean, Jacque Schafer, and Don South. The comedy pair was played by Peggy McClaine and Alan Hux.

Read the program HERE.

The season closed with a production of the comedy The Moon is Blue.  It was directed by Robert Cole with technical direction by Peter Lach.

The cast of  four included Romilda Hamontre, James Elrod, Peter Lach, and Frank Livernoche.

Read the program HERE.

Forty Years Ago! PCPH in 1977!!

In 1977, we didn’t have a home of our own.  Rehearsals and productions were held in various venues in Greencastle.  For this season, our shows were presented in McAnally Auditorium (now Parker Auditorium) at Greencastle High School.

The season opened with a production of Look Homeward, Angel. It was directed by Larry Sutton and Eli Gould.  Leading roles were taken by Kevin Gough, Mark Trigg, and Sheryle A. Parsons.

Read the program HERE.

Our second production was Hansel & Gretl. Playing the title roles were Gregg Swearingen and Martha Steele.  The Wicked Witch was played by Laura Waldron.  The cast included many children, and was attended by 449 people.

Read the program HERE.

The big musical of the season was The Music Man.  The show was directed by Thomas Albin II. Musical director and conductor was Sally Russell and choreography was by Albin and Jeff Davis.

Jeff E. Davis played Harold Hill and Sandy Cottingham was Marion Paroo. 

Featured as Mayor Shinn is current PCPH Board President Michael McClaine.

Read the program HERE.
We also presented a talent show.

Thirty Years Ago! PCPH 1987

1993 Renovation

During our 1987 season, we were still in the original space.  As you can see from this photo from the renovation a couple of seasons later in 1993, our backstage space was limited.  There was no shop and no fly space.  The door on the left was our ‘stage door’ leading to a small gathering space.  It got very crowded during performances of musicals when it rained! The framing shows where the shop would soon be, and where the fly space for the expanded backstage area would be.

The season opened with a production of the rock and roll musical Bye Bye, Birdie!  It was directed by Jack Randall Earles with musical direction by Ann Cooper.  Leading roles were taken by Marc R. Adams and Sandi [Ulrey] Robles. Supporting roles were played by Francoise Coulant-Henderson, Bill Frisbie, and Ron Pitcock.

Check out the program HERE.

Our outdoor presentations under the title Playhouse Under the Stars were also presented in July, 1987.  The first production was American Snapshots written by PCPH veteran Ray Mizer. It was directed by Jack Randall Earles who appeared in the show with Mizer, Adeline Knoy, and Evelyn Robbins.

Check out the program HERE.

Nana Canada, Cindy Sutton Wise, Stephen Pierson
The July mainstage production was the mystery Night Watch. It was directed by Amy Meyer.  Leading roles were played by Nana Canada and Stephen Pierson. Supporting roles were played by Cindy Sutton Wise and Jack Randall Earles.

The program for this production has not been scanned.

Our August production was the Rodgers & Hammerstein musical Carousel. It was directed by Jim Poor who also played The Starkeeper.  Vocal musical direction was by Geoff Price. Orchestra conductor was Bob Hedge.

Leading roles were taken by Barry Trowbridge and Karen Cervo.  Appearing in supporting roles were Jennifer McCardle, Philip J. Henderson, and Sherry Davis.

Check out the program HERE.

The second Playhouse Under the Stars production was Neil Simon’s The Good Doctor.  It was directed by Diana Brumfield.  Leading roles were taken by John C. Baughman, Max Murphy, Alan Small, and Vickie Parker.

Check out the program HERE.

 The season ended with a production of the comedy You Can’t Take It With You directed by Linda Gjesvold. Leading roles were taken by Jack Randall Earles, Adeline Knoy, Larry Sutton, and John C. Baughman.  Supporting players included Kathy Helms, Bob Hedge, Scott Armitage, and Jodi [Green] Stockton.

Check out the program HERE.

This was our 26th season.  President of our board was Linda Gjesvold.  Vice presidents were Vickie Parker and Bob Hedge, with Sallee Bartlett as secretary and Don Holley as treasurer.

Members of the board were Ann Cooper, Jack Randall Earles, Diana Brumfield, Bill Frisbie, Adeline Knoy, Stephen Pierson, Jim Poor, Evelyn Robbins, Sandi [Ulrey] Robles, and John Wise.