Our August production of the rock ‘n roll musical Little Shop of Horrors  now has its cast. It will be produced August 7-9 and August 13-16.

Playing the leading roles of Seymour and Audrey will be PCPH veterans Dustin Bond and Meghan Armitage. The two played opposite each other in Thoroughly Modern Millie.

Dustin Bond & Meghan Armitage in “Thoroughly Modern Millie”

Appearing in supporting roles are David Roberts as flower shop owner, Mr. Mushnik, and Jacob Peterman as Audrey’s boyfriend, Orin Scrivello, D.D.S.  Roberts and Peterman most recently appeared in Guys & Dolls.

Jacob Peterman & David Roberts in “Guys & Dolls”

The female trio of Chiffon, Ronnette, and Crystal will be played by Ashlee Anne Vitz, Hannah Brattain, and Mira Hoffman. An assortment of other roles will be played by Cameron Callan.

The voice of the extra-terrestrial plant Audrey II will be provided by Dale Grove.

Bryan Schroeder is the director. Musical director is Kathi Elliott and choreographer is Deborah Grammel. Marilyn Burdsall is the pit pianist. Assistant director is TJ Tincher, and Sarah Bond is assistant choreographer. Technical director is Matt McClaine.

Little Shop of Horrors is co-sponsored by:

Shuee and Sons Great Buys Plus
Click HERE to learn more about our sponsor.

Eitel's Florist - Your Teleflora Florist in Greencastle, IN
Click HERE to learn more about our sponsor.


L-R: Clarence Long, Dustin Bond, Scott Armitage, TJ Tincher, David Roberts, Jacob Peterman in “Luck Be a Lady Tonight.”  PHoto by Kayla Myer

Will the Save-A-Soul Mission be closed?  Will Sky take Miss Sarah to Havana?  Will Miss Adelaide and Nathan finally get married?  All these questions and more are answered in Guys & Dolls.

L-R – Annie Weltz, Sarah Bond, Jim Poor.  Photo by Kayla Myer


The 53rdseason of Putnam County Playhouse  opened with a production of the Tony-Award-winning musical Guys & Dolls. It was presented June 5-7 and June 11-14. 

The musical is sponsored by First National Bank.

Click HERE to learn more about our sponsor.

Director-choreographer is Jack Randall Earles. Assistant director is Sandi Rossok, and Alison Howard is the production stage manager. Vocal direction is by Geoff Price, and the pit conductor-pianist is Marilyn Burdsall. Earles directed Angel Street last year with Rossok assisting. Price and Burdsall have both been involved in many musical productions at PCPH.

L-R: at rehearsal, Jacob Peterman, David Roberts, Scott Armitage, Chris Wurster, Geoff Price

The musical’s lyrics and music were written by Frank Loesser. The book is by Jo Swerling and Abe Burrows and is based on the writings of Damon Runyon. Guys & Dolls won five Tony Awards when it opened on Broadway in 1951. The 1992 revival went on to win four Tony Awards.

The leading roles of Sky Masterson and Sarah Brown are being played by real-life married couple Dustin and Sarah Bond. They were both seen last year in The Drowsy Chaperone and Harvey.

Sarah Bond & Dustin Bond

Their comic counterparts, Nathan Detroit and Miss Adelaide, are played by Scott Armitage and Ashlee Anne Vitz. Both performers have been onstage at PCPH many times. Ashlee debuted in 2011 as Guenevere in Camelot, and Scott has most recently been seen in Don’t Drink the Water and Kiss Me Kate.

Ashlee Anne Vitz & Scott Armitage

Other roles are taken by Jim Poor (Arvide Abernathy), Eleanor Howard (General Matilda B. Cartwright), David Roberts (Nicely Nicely Johnson), Chris Wurster (Rusty Charlie), and Craig Armitage (Benny Southstreet). 

L-R: Jacob Peterman, Scott Armitage, Chris Wurster, Craig Armitage, Elijah Brattain, TJ Tincher.
Kneeling is Clarence Long

Craig is playing the part that his father Scott played in the last PCPH production of Guys & Dolls in 1995.

Jim Poor has been associated with Putnam County Playhouse since 1963 and served on the Board of Directors for many years. He most recently directed The Sunshine Boys and played Sancho Panza in The Man of La Mancha.

Jim Poor as Arvide Abernathy

The cast also includes Elijah Brattain, Clarence Long, Dylan Bodnarick, TJ Tincher, and Jacob Peterman. The distaff side is represented by Annie Weltz, Elise Merrell, Michaela Semak, Jerica Bean, and Hannah Brattain. Hannah is playing roles that her mother, Kim, played in our 1995 production.

L-R: Jim Poor, Clarence Long, Eleanor Howard, Annie Weltz

Bryan Schroeder is technical director and lighting designer. Set design and special painting is by Linda Gjesvold.

L-R: Annie Weltz, Michaela Semak, Ashlee Anne Vitz, Jerica Bean, Elise Merrell, Hannah Brattain

Other musicians joining Burdsall in the pit are Michael McClaine, percussion; Drew Brattain, bass; and Marcia Boswell, flute.

L-R: Marcia Boswell, Michael McClaine, Marilyn Burdsall. Not pictured: Drew Brattain.

Stage crew for the production are Sydney Cassida and Alex Asbell.

Brenda McClaine will run the sound/light board with assistance from Meghan Armitage.

The Cast & Staff of “Guys & Dolls.”

All photos by Linda Gjesvold.

Time Marches On Department………

The opening show of our 53rd season is the musical Guys & Dolls. Tickets for the production will go on sale on Sunday, June 1, at our Open House.  The event will be 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Director-choreographer for our last production of Guys & Dolls in 1995, was Jack Randall Earles who is  doing the same this time around.

Jack Randall Earles directing in the outdoor space, 1995.

One actor appearing in that production was Scott Armitage.  He played the character of Benny Southstreet.  In 2014, he is playing Nathan Detroit.

L-R: Bob Hedge, Scott Armitage, Marc R. Adams, 1995

This time around, Scott’s son, Craig is playing Benny Southstreet and his daughter Sarah is playing Sarah Brown.

L-R: Scott Armitage, Sarah Bond, Craig Armitage, 2014

Also in our earlier production, Kim [Hinkle] Brattain was in the ensemble and danced as one of the Hot Box Girls

L-R: Kim [Hinkle] Brattain, Peggy Tennis

Kim’s daughter, Hannah is filling the same roles in our current production.

Hannah Brattain

Guys & Dolls opens on June 5 with six additional performances on June 6, 7, and June 11-14,  All tickets are $10, and all performances begin at 8 p.m. 

After the Open House, the box office will be open on Monday, June 2, at 5 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday for performance weeks only. You can make reservations by calling 765-653-5880 during those hours.


The 53rd season of Putnam County Playhouse will kick off with an Open House on Sunday, June 1. The event will be held from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Hazel Day Longden Theatre

Season tickets for all four productions Guys & Dolls, Steel Magnolias, Little Shop of Horrors, and The Man Who Came to Dinner are still available and can be purchased that day.  A season ticket guarantees you a seat for every show!

Individual tickets for each production will also be on sale that day. Season tickets are still just $35, and individual tickets are $10 each.

We have made improvements to our facilities, and you can be among the first to see them on June 1.

PCPH board president Michael McClaine and other board members will be on hand to answer any questions you may have about our organization.

Also currently serving on the board are Bethany Bax, Sandra Rossok, Jim Rambo, Caroline Good, Shelly McFadden, Kathryn Dory, and Meghan Armitage.

Other board members are Jack Randall Earles, Ric McFadden, Brad Sandy, Mark Hammer, Linda Gjesvold, Drew Brattain, Dustin Bond, and TJ Tincher.

Throughout the afternoon, visitors will be entertained by musical numbers from our production of Guys & Dolls which opens on Thursday, June 5.

Refreshments will be available.  The Open House is free and open to the public.  Plan to spend some time with us this Sunday!

L -R: Annie Weltz, Michaela Semak, Ashlee Vitz, Elise Merrell, Jerica Bean

‘Steel Magnolias’ Cast Is Complete

The cast for the July production of Steel Magnolias has been selected.  

M’Lynn will be played by M. Susan Anthony. Her daughter Shelby will be played by Meghan Armitage.

Karen Temple will play Clairee, and Kathy Helms Arnold will play Ouiser.

Annelle will be played by Madison King, and Lita Sandy will play Truvy.

Steel Magnolias will be presented July 10-12 and July 16-19.

It is being sponsored by:

Click HERE to learn more about our sponsor.


The first show of the season has been cast!  Guys & Dolls will be produced June 5-7 and June 11-14.  Season ticket brochures are in the mail.  Return yours promptly to get priority seating!

Guys & Dolls is being sponsored by First National Bank.


Click HERE to learn more about our sponsor!

Leading the cast are Dustin Bond as Sky Masterson and Scott Armitage as Nathan Detroit, two gamblers about town. Their distaff partners are Ashlee Ann Vitz (Miss Adelaide) and Sarah Bond (Sarah Brown).

Their fellow gamblers are David Roberts (Nicely Nicely), Jacob Peterman (Harry the Horse), Craig Armitage (Benny Southstreet), Chris Wurster (Rusty Charlie), TJ Tincher (Angie the Ox), and Clarence Long (Big Jule).

At rehearsal: Craig Armitage, Jacob Peterman, David Roberts, Scott Armitage, and Chris Wurster.

Joining Sarah Brown at the Save-A-Soul Mission are Jim Poor (Arvide), Annie Weltz (Agatha), Hannah Brattain (Martha), Elijah Brattain (Calvin), and Eleanor Howard (General Matilda Cartwright).

The dancing chorus includes Jerica Bean, Elise Merrell, and Michaela Semak.

Dylan Bodnarick is playing Lt.Brannigan and the emcee at the Hot Box Night Club.

Director and choreographer for the musical is Jack Randall Earles.  Vocal and musical direction is by Geoff Price.  Sandi Rossok is assistant director. 

Single session tickets will go on sale on Sunday, June 1,
at the annual Open House.

…And now a word from our sponsor…..


We would like to thank the sponsors who have already joined us for the 2014 Season.

Our first show, the musical Guys & Dolls is being sponsored by First National Bank.

                                                  Click HERE  to learn more.

Our second mainstage production Steel Magnolias is being sponsored by Rossok & Co. Insurance – Pekin Insurance.

                                                      Click HERE to learn more. 

There are still opportunities if your company would like to become a sponsor for the 2014 Season.  

For details, contact the chairperson of our Fundraising Committee, Drew Brattain.  He can be reached by email at:                                                            

 [email protected]