The first show of the season has been cast!  Guys & Dolls will be produced June 5-7 and June 11-14.  Season ticket brochures are in the mail.  Return yours promptly to get priority seating!

Guys & Dolls is being sponsored by First National Bank.


Click HERE to learn more about our sponsor!

Leading the cast are Dustin Bond as Sky Masterson and Scott Armitage as Nathan Detroit, two gamblers about town. Their distaff partners are Ashlee Ann Vitz (Miss Adelaide) and Sarah Bond (Sarah Brown).

Their fellow gamblers are David Roberts (Nicely Nicely), Jacob Peterman (Harry the Horse), Craig Armitage (Benny Southstreet), Chris Wurster (Rusty Charlie), TJ Tincher (Angie the Ox), and Clarence Long (Big Jule).

At rehearsal: Craig Armitage, Jacob Peterman, David Roberts, Scott Armitage, and Chris Wurster.

Joining Sarah Brown at the Save-A-Soul Mission are Jim Poor (Arvide), Annie Weltz (Agatha), Hannah Brattain (Martha), Elijah Brattain (Calvin), and Eleanor Howard (General Matilda Cartwright).

The dancing chorus includes Jerica Bean, Elise Merrell, and Michaela Semak.

Dylan Bodnarick is playing Lt.Brannigan and the emcee at the Hot Box Night Club.

Director and choreographer for the musical is Jack Randall Earles.  Vocal and musical direction is by Geoff Price.  Sandi Rossok is assistant director. 

Single session tickets will go on sale on Sunday, June 1,
at the annual Open House.

…And now a word from our sponsor…..


We would like to thank the sponsors who have already joined us for the 2014 Season.

Our first show, the musical Guys & Dolls is being sponsored by First National Bank.

                                                  Click HERE  to learn more.

Our second mainstage production Steel Magnolias is being sponsored by Rossok & Co. Insurance – Pekin Insurance.

                                                      Click HERE to learn more. 

There are still opportunities if your company would like to become a sponsor for the 2014 Season.  

For details, contact the chairperson of our Fundraising Committee, Drew Brattain.  He can be reached by email at:                                                            

 [email protected]


Information about our four Mainstage shows is now available on the drop down menu at the top of the page under the “Current Season” tab.

You can find out about about audition dates and which roles are available for each show.  You can read about the shows and in some cases read portions of the scripts at the links provided.

Plan to join us onstage this summer!

Our musicals this year are Guys & Dolls in June and Little Shop of Horrors in August.  Our plays are Steel Magnolias in July and The Man Who Came to Dinner in September.

Sign up forms for SHAKESPEARED! and the Children’s Theatre Workshop will be available later this spring.

See you soon!


Exterior: New Doors.  Photo by Shelly McFadden

Since the Hazel Day Longden Theatre was opened in 1983, patrons have entered the front of the building through the original doors. The past few seasons, those wooden doors have become more difficult to close.

In order to make the facility more secure, we have added new doors! 

We are also working on a couple of other surprises that will make your visit to Putnam County Playhouse even more comfortable this year! Construction was done by Dan Dobson of Daniel Builders.

Watch the website for more details on auditions! 

Interior New Doors. Photo by Shelly McFadden

PCPH Veterans Take the Stage Off Season Part Two

Another group of Putnam County Playhouse participants will be entertaining local audiences on stage in a production of The 1940’s Radio Hour. The musical is being produced by Community Theatre of Clay County. It will be presented February 27 & 28, and March 1.  

Tickets for the dinner theatre presentation are $25 per person. Reservations can be made by calling Lisa at 812-442-6909. The Lark Theatre is located at 8 E. National Avenue (U.S. 40) in Brazil.

The show is being directed by PCPH veteran Shelly McFadden (who directed last season’s The Drowsy Chaperone) and CTCC’s Lee Reberger (who played Underling in TDC).

L-R: Alixandra Green, Dustin Bond, Ric McFadden

Among the cast members are PCPH performers Alixandra Green (last seen in The Curious Savage), Dustin Bond (last seen in Harvey), and Ric McFadden (last seen in The Drowsy Chaperone).  Also appearing are Sarah Bond and David Roberts, both last seen at PCPH in Harvey. Pianist and pit conductor Marilyn Burdsall is also a PCPH veteran.

Alixandra Green

Ric and Shelly McFadden appeared in The 1940’s Radio Hour when it was produced by Putnam County Playhouse in 1992.

Shelly McFadden in the PCPH production in 1992.

CTCC members appearing include Carl McKinney, Dennis Morris, Kandace Brown, Michelle McCrea, Kevin McCrea, Andrew Corder, Alyssa Lovett, and Diane Parrish.

PCPH Veterans Take the Stage Off Season

TJ Tincher, Tim Good, Jack Randall Earles

The Hazel Day Longden Theatre may be quiet, but several PCPH veterans are still taking advantage of opportunities to participate in theatrical activities.

The new play Achilles/Achilles Son will be presented at DePauw University on Sunday, January 26, at 1 p.m. and also January 27-29 at 7:30 p.m.  It is being directed by Tim Good, who is in the Communication and Theatre Department of DePauw.  Caroline is also in the Communication and Theatre Department and runs the costume shop. 

TJ Tincher, Caroline Good, and Jack Randall Earles all have roles in the play.  The play is based on the Greek tragedies.  It is not recommended for children.

Caroline Good in Angel Street

All four were involved with the PCPH production of Angel Street in July, 2014. It was directed by Earles.  Tim, Caroline, and TJ played leading roles in the show.

Information about the show and tickets  can be found at this link:



SHAKESPEARED! and Children’s Workshop Dates Set!

“Shakespeared” the annual Youth Theatre Workshop will be held this year June 16-27, with a performance to be given on June 28.

The work will center around “The Scottish Play”.

The Children’s Theatre Workshop will be July 21-25, with a performance on the last day.

Enrollment information will be on the website in the spring.  Early enrollment is not accepted.

Here Are The Directors For Our 2014 Season!

Directors have been chosen for all four of the mainstage productions for the 2014 season of Putnam County Playhouse.

First up, director Jack Randall Earles will helm Guys & Dolls. It will be produced June 5-7 and June 11-14.  Auditions will be April 6 and April 7.

Steel Magnolias will be directed by Brad Sandy. Auditions will be held May 18 and May 19.  The show will be produced July 10-12 and July 16-19.

Bryan Schroeder will direct Little Shop of Horrors. It will be presented August 7-9 and August 13-16. Auditions for this musical will be June 15 and June 16.

The final show of the season, the comedy The Man Who Came to Dinner will be directed by Ric McFadden. After auditions on July 20 and July 21, it will be presented September 11-13 and September 17-20.

More information about the shows and the auditions will be available on the website after January 1.

2014 Fund Drive Underway!

The letters for the 2014 Fund/Membership Drive are now in the mail.  Please return your donation card as soon as possible!

If you haven’t received your letter, or if you are not on our mailing list, and would like to contribute please click on the “Contact Us” tab at the top of the page, and then click on the 2014 Fund Drive Form link.

Directors and audition dates for our 2014 season will be announced soon!  Keep watching the website!  Thank you for your continued support.