The annual Youth Theatre Workshop will have its presentation on Saturday, June 30, at 7 p.m. Tickets are available only at the door. Admission is $3 for everyone over the age of 12. This year, two productions of the Bard’s Romeo & Juliet are on the bill.

The production is being sponsored by Shuee’s.

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The Middle School Group is up first with a short traditional version of the story. It is being directed by Eleanor Howard with assistance from Bethany Bax.

The Montagues & Capulets in the streets of old Verona.
Featured in this portion are Isabella Brown and Leo Brown as the title pair. Other featured roles are taken by Grace Long, Aleyce Green, Marie Malinoski, Rose Malinoski, Henry Cox, Bella Green, Alice Howard, Kyle Brentlinger, Paxton O’Brien, Evie Green, and Evan Lazar.

The tragedy ends…..
Narrators for the production are Evangeline Brown and Samantha Funk. Others onstage include Rebecca Hebb, Mya Weddle, Chloe Gardner, Logan Warren, Jocelyn Gardner,  and Aiden Spradlin.

Romeo & Juliet (Craig Robinson & Haley Wilson)

The High School Group will present Romeo & Juliet: The Fateful Voyage, a version of the tale that takes place on the liner Titanic.  It is being directed by Caroline Good & Hannah Gellman. Playing the star-crossed teens in this version are Craig Robinson and Haley Wilson.

The tragedy ends…..again…..
Among those in supporting roles are Susanna Howard, Devin Huff, Ava Maginity, Isabelle Cafoouras, Michael Thede, Ellie Henry, Ruthie Mann, Grant Pettit, and Samuel Gray.Other along for the ride include Anna Norris, Noah D. Pettit (who is also the assistant director), Katie Newton, Fiona Good, Dale Dye Thomas, Ella Dye Thomas, Courtney Huff, Victoria Huff, and Hope Roberts.

YTW Director Caroline Good adapted both productions.  Working on the technical side are Alexander Gandy, Dustin Bond, and Tim Good.