The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of Putnam County Playhouse is meeting regularly to discuss options for the 2020 season of activities.
We are reviewing Governor Holcomb’s re-opening plan. We are also closely following the Federal Government guidelines that are released each day.
Our first responsibility is to our participants and patrons.
We have tentatively rescheduled our Youth Theatre Workshop to run from July 6-17. Information about this workshop can be found on its Facebook Page. The Children’s Workshop remains as scheduled, for now.
Any further notices and updates concerning our activities will be posted on our website and Facebook pages. We understand that the current situation changes daily. We appreciate your patience and support as we continue to navigate this unprecedented health crisis.
Please stay well and safe.
And thank you!
PCPH Executive Committee
Michael McClaine, President
Dustin Bond, 1st Vice President
Linda Gjesvold, 2nd Vice President
Kathryn Dory, Recording Secretary
Mark Hammer, Treasurer
Jack Randall Earles, Corresponding Secretary
PCPH Board Members
Meghan Armitage, Bethany Bax, Drew Brattain,
Kim Brattain, Caroline Good, Anna Harris,
Peggy McClaine, Ric McFadden, Shelly McFadden,
Jim Rambo, Sandra Rossok, Brad Sandy