L-R: Anna Harris, Peggy McClaine, Kim Brattain

After being elected at our Annual Meeting in October, three newly minted board members enjoyed their first official meeting on December 9.  Our newest member is Anna Harris. The other two ladies have previously served on our board of directors. Peggy McClaine also served as President of the Board. Kim Brattain is happy to return to her duties.

They join President Michael McClaine; vice-presidents Dustin Bond and Linda Gjesvold; secretary Kathryn Dory; recording secretary Jack Randall Earles; and treasurer Mark Hammer on the Board of Directors for the non-profit.

Other members are Brad Sandy, Jim Rambo, Drew Brattain, Ric McFadden, Shelly McFadden, Caroline Good, Sandi Rossok, Bethany Bax, and Meghan Armitage.

We sat down recently with Anna, Kim, and Peggy to talk with them about their PCPH histories and plans for the coming season.

PCPH: Thanks for talking with us today.  Let’s start out with how you each first became involved with PCPH.

Peggy: I started as a cast member of a musical revue [research has not revealed its title]. My first full show was Guys & Dolls in 1964! I was Mimi, one of the Hot Box Girls and one of the Cuban Dancers. The show was directed by Jim Elrod and it was presented at Speech Hall. It was great fun.

Kim: I first became involved in 1985 as one of the orphans in Annie, directed by Vickie Parker. 

Anna: I have been attending shows since I was old enough to sit through a performance! I also participated in the Children’s Workshop when I was nine or ten years old. The first show I was in was The Game’s Afoot in 2015, directed by Dustin Bond.

PCPH: Do you have a favorite show you’ve done at the barn?

Anna: It’s so hard to pick a favorite. I have to say though that The Game’s Afoot will always be special to me. Besides being my first show, it was such a fun play, and the cast and crew were a wonderful group of people to work with.

Anna Harris & Tim Good in The Game’s Afoot

Kim: My favorite show was Seven Bride For Seven Brothers [1994] because it was an ensemble piece. It was directed by Jack Randall Earles. The music and dancing was fun and audiences loved the show.

Kim third bride from right in the front row 7 Brides for 7 Brothers.

Peggy: It’s so hard to choose, every show has a favorite moment or two, but high on my list is Don’t Drink the Water [1989] directed by Sandi Robles. The strait-jacket scene will be forever burned into my memory. [It’s burned in our memory as well, Peggy!]

Don’t Drink the Water screen capture. L-R: Scott Armitage, Jack Randall Earles, Peggy McClaine

PCPH: Would you encourage others to become involved in PCPH?

Kim: Definitely. There is something for everyone to do, whether it be onstage or behind the scenes. It’s a great way to spend your summer!

Peggy: Whenever I talked with anyone about the Playhouse, I always ask them to come to a show, audition, or volunteer. It’s almost always a hoot and amazingly rewarding.

Anna: Absolutely! The Playhouse is a special place, and there are always fun things to do in each show – be it onstage or backstage!

PCPH: What prompted you to be interested in becoming a board member – or rejoining the board?

Anna: My friend and acting board member at the time, Jim Green asked if I would be potentially interested in being on the board. I was delighted with the idea. Working ‘behind the scenes’ to make a show succeed is something I enjoy very much, and I am excited to have this opportunity.

Peggy: As with any volunteer organization, more hands help the most people. If it weren’t for board members, Putnam County might be without community theatre at all. And it’s a great group of people! 

Kim: I think live theatre is an important community resource. PCPH is pretty unique in that it brings the opportunity to participate in and see performances right here in our small community. I think serving on the board is a way to be involved in this endeavor, and a way to “give back.”

PCPH: Peggy and Kim, you have both served previous terms on the board, what do you think you bring as you rejoin us?

Peggy: I would guess my contributions include my experience in acting [her shows onstage include leading roles in The Prisoner of Second Avenue (1990), My Fair Lady (1996), and most recently See How They Run (2012)], directing [her directing credits include Into The Woods (1997) and The Nerd (1992)], scene painting/construction, and popping (not burning) popcorn. Some might also say I have a terrific sense of humor! [We would agree!]

Kim: My kids are all grown up now so I have been given the gift of time [daughter Hannah appeared most recently in Guys & Dolls and Little Shop of Horrors (2014) and son Elijah was also in that production of Guys & Dolls]. This is the important thing I have to share with PCPH – my time and energy.

PCPH: What is your favorite PCPC memory – onstage or off?

Anna: One of favorites took place this summer during a rehearsal of the murder mystery The Mousetrap. We were running the show, and our light operator Oheneba Quarshie was part of our ‘audience’, seeing the play for the first time. Her excitement and disbelief at the reveal of the murderer was fantastic; one of those electric moments when the audience really connects with the actors and gets lost in what’s happening onstage. For me, that’s one of the things that makes live theatre such an amazing experience.

Cameron Wunderlich & Anna in the closing moments of The Mousetrap.

Peggy: My favorite memory: winning the Hammy Award presented annually to the performer who makes the most of his time onstage. I got the award for playing Yenta in Fiddler on the Roof (1991, directed by Vickie Parker). And of course, hearing applause, and being proud of all of the actors who give their best in every show. There are really dozens of great memories too numerous to mention.

Peggy as Ida in See How They Run (2012)
Kim: My favorite memories are my Hammy Awards. I received one for playing Mama in Bye Bye Birdie [2010], and my first one was for my performance as Little Red in Into the Woods [1997]. I love character roles, and it’s great to have your hard work acknowledged by others.

Kim as Mae Peterson in Bye Bye Birdie!

PCPH: What do you look forward to most in the coming season?

Peggy: I’m just looking forward to being part of PCPH and helping to bring outstanding theatre to the people of Putnam County – helping wherever I can – or am able to at my age HA! So you see, you’re never too old to join the fun!

Kim: I look forward to working behind the scenes to produce the best experience for our participants and our audience members. I can’t wait for summer!

Anna: I am looking forward to my first season as a board member and helping to make the shows a success. All of the upcoming shows are unique, and I think it will be a wonderful season!

Our three new board members!  Welcome!