Our Season Ticket Brochures will be mailed out to current Season Ticket Holders on March 18! Return your brochure as soon as possible so you can be guaranteed your place in the audience for our four mainstage shows! Brochures will be mailed to the rest of our mailing list on April 1!

We are working on a couple of projects that will make our productions more exciting. First is removing the side walls of the stage. This will give more room on each side of the stage for entrances and exits. It will also give us more options for set design and building.

We are also adding space on the east side of the barn for storage. It will also let performers go from one side of the stage to the other backstage without going outside!

Work we must! See you at the barn for Oklahoma!, The Pink Panther Strikes Again, Something Rotten, and Flowers For Algernon! And don’t forget SHAKESPEARED! in June and the Children’s Theatre Workshop in July!