The most anticipated event in Putnam County will happen on Sunday, October 16, at 2 p.m. Well…..maybe not the MOST anticipated….except by at least four performers from last season’s productions at Putnam County Playhouse.
Details below:

Competition is fierce……one of these four will be the winner:
Director Caroline Good says: “I chose Ashlee because of her utter commitment to the role, her comedic creativity, and, as the Hammy criteria requires, she played a smaller role and she made the very most of every moment on stage.”

Director Shelly McFadden says: “Tatum had very few lines onstage, but as a corpse, she stole the show. Whether she was falling out of a refrigerator, being dropped onto the floor from the couch, or being handled as a prop in a party scene, Tatum is the essence of the ‘Hammy’ creed.”

Director Jack Randall Earles says: “The cast of ‘Joseph’ handed me an embarrassment of riches in choices for the Hammy Award. I chose Dale because of the immediate and overwhelming audience response to his performance. I think they were as stunned as I was.”

Director Ric McFadden says: “From the start of rehearsals to the performance, Sarah kept adding to her character as Viney, always taking direction when necessary, and always displaying a great attitude at rehearsals.”