David Johnson & Emily Gray

Filming is on in the county for a PBS version of author Nichole Etcheson’s book A Generation At War. Last Saturday filming was conducted at the Harvest Barn Wedding & Event Venue. Check out the photos see how many familiar faces you can find.

Among others John Tischer, Cameron Wunderlich, Dylan Arnold & Brad Sandy

The book is about some of the history of Indiana and its residents during the Civil War.

Among others Chris Wurster & Ric McFadden.

PCPH President Shelly McFadden is the Production Manager & Costumer for the production.

Author Nichole Etcheson watches a shot being set up.

Everyone had a good time and we look forward to seeing A Generation At War on our local PBS stations next year.

Among others Jim Elliott, Cameron Wunderlich, Chris Wurster, Rick McFadden, Bart Jones, Marc Adams