Auditions for the second musical of our 63rd season are this weekend. Director Vickie Parker will have two sessions of auditions for Something Rotten. The first will be Sunday, June 9, at 3 p.m. followed by a second session on Monday, June 9, at 7 p.m. Both will be at the Hazel Day Longden Theatre, home of the Putnam County Playhouse. The musical will be onstage August 15-17 & August 21-24.
It is being sponsored by:

Those auditioning are asked to sing 16 bars of a song. An accompanist will be provided. There will be reading from the script and a short dance session.
To read about the show and the roles available click here.
To read the director’s note click here.
To download an audition form and read audition sides click here.

Watch an interview with director Parker HERE.