Director Ric McFadden will hold two sessions of auditions for the September production of The Miracle Worker at Putnam County Playhouse. The first call is for Sunday, July 17, at 3 p.m. The second session will be Monday, July 18, at 7 p.m. Both sessions will convene in the Michael McClaine Rehearsal Center at the Hazel Day Longden Theatre.
The Miracle Worker will be presented September 8-10 and September 14-17. Read more about the show HERE.
Read McFadden’s Director’s Note HERE.
It is being sponsored by Hopkins-Rector and Bittles & Hurt.

The two leading roles, Annie Sullivan and Helen Keller, call for performers who will be able play the very physically demanding scenes as written. Annie will be required to learn some sign language and finger spelling for the role. The actress playing Helen must be able to convincingly play a deaf and blind and mute youngster. Stage age for Annie is mid to late 20’s and stage age for Helen is 8-11.
Other roles include Helen’s parents, Captain and Mrs. Keller; their son, James; Aunt Eve; Viney, the family’s servant and her helper; Martha and Percy, children who are friends of Helen; and Doctor Anagnos, Annie’s teacher. The Kellers will speak with Southern accents.
There are also parts for six youngsters to play blind students at Annie’s former school, the Kellers’ doctor, and a young boy to play Annie’s brother Jimmy who is a preteen.
Read about the story and cast HERE.
No monologs are necessary. Those auditioning will read from the script. There will also be a physical audition for those auditioning to play Helen. McFadden is also looking for backstage personnel to complete his production. Those wishing to work in that capacity should attend auditions and talk to McFadden at that time.