Director Jack Randall Earles will hold two sessions of auditions for the play “Flowers For Algernon”, the final production of the 63rd season of the Putnam County Playhouse. The first will be Sunday, July 21, at 3 p.m. and the second will be Monday, July 22, at 7 p.m. Both will be at the Michael McClaine Rehearsal Center at the Hazel Day Longden Theatre.
The play will be produced September 12-14 and September 18-21. Assistant director is Sandi Rossok and stage manager is Bart Jones. Set design is by Anna Harris and Linda Gjesvold.
To download an audition form and audition sides click here.
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Leading roles available include Charlie Gordon, a special needs man who has his IQ increased by a scientific process. The play tells the story of his struggle and the struggles of those around him to adjust to his new life. Other roles include Dr. Strauss and Professor Nemur, the originators of the process; Charlie’s friend, Alice Kinian; his Mother and Father, sister Norma at age 8 and as a grown up, and co-workers Frank, Joe, Gina, and Mrs. Donner, Charlie’s landlady. and party guests at a teen get together and adults at a fete for Charlie at a local college. These are the adult roles male and female that will be double cast. The cast totals about 15+ performers.
Read more about the cast here.
Three younger younger performers are also needed. A girl, stage age 8, a boy stage age 8-10, and a teen age boy to play Charlie at those ages.
Read the director’s thoughts about the play HERE.
The 63rd season continues this week with performances of The Pink Panther Strikes again on July 17-20, the Children’s Workshop July 22-26, and the PG-Rated musical Something Rotten on August 15-17 & August 21-24.