Registration is now open for Shakespeared! Youth Theatre Workshop 2021
Workshop Dates: Mondays-Fridays June 14-26
Performances: Friday & Saturday, June 25 & 26 at 7:00pm
This year’s annual two-week-long Shakespeared! Workshop at the Putnam County Playhouse centers around A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The middle school group will perform a more traditional version and the high school group will present its off-beat comedic version, complete with a lively soundtrack, chase, and pop-culture references.
Sign up by clicking HERE.
Both groups meet in the afternoons daily during the two weeks. Activities include theatre games, learning voice, stage movement, and acting techniques, and, of course, rehearsing the play. The middle school group meets Monday-Friday 12:30-2:30pm, and the high school workshop meets Monday-Friday 3:00-5:30pm with performances Friday and Saturday, June 26-27 at 7:00pm, when each group presents their own very different versions of the play.
We will plan on adhering strictly to the updated CDC protocols for Covid-19 at the time of the workshop. Last year, all participants wore masks during sessions, we created physical distanced staging, and we kept air flowing throughout the playhouse, or worked outside. Props and set pieces were wiped down frequently, and we provided hand sanitizer. We’re hoping for the best, but are prepared to implement these protocols again and consider moving the performances to the park, if necessary.
The scripts will be available soon on the playhouse website’s Youth Theatre Workshop page. So, feel free to read it before our first day. We will read through the play on day one, and the players will have a chance to note their role preferences. The roles will be cast that evening, and rehearsals will begin on day two!
Shakespeared! is tailored to provide young players with an opportunity to engage with Shakespeare’s text in a fun way and to see the potential interpretations that lie within the text. For more information click here.
Details and sign up information for our annual July Children’s Theatre Workshop will be posted soon.